No matter your age or background, everyone should have the right for gardening to be a way of life, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you have plants, you are a gardener
Each and every person forms a unique bond with nature and, as a result, gardens in their own way. Select the category that most reflects the type of gardener you are for inspiration to enhance your journey: Beginner | Child | School | Young person | Budget-friendly | Planet-friendly | Allotmenteer | Urban and indoor | Community | Wellbeing | Health conditions | Access needs
Explore our step-by-step guides to the basics
No garden? No problem. Even tiny spaces have the potential to bring you gardening joy
The best and easiest to grow with children
See eight simple activities for kids
Find out how children can benefit from nature
Safe plants for connecting with the natural world
Ideas to get children started with gardening
Our pick of the best books to grow their curiosity
We’re encouraging all schools to sign up for free to the RHS Campaign for School Gardening
Widely recognised within the horticulture industry
Get a taste of the horticultural world
Volunteer at one of our RHS Gardens
Discover our top five plants for students
Explore pathways into horticulture
Choose from a variety of opportunities
From Anya Lautenbach, The Money-Saving Gardener
Discover eight cost-cutting options
Tips to ease the pressure on your wallet
Find out how to make a low-cost garden to love
Discover seven ways to save the pennies
Five pips and peelings to grow plants from
Everything you need to know about the process
Reduce, reuse, recycle and reinvest
Learn how to cope with water shortages and more
Get your soil into good shape
Choose the right plant for the right place...
See how gardening can support the recovery journey
Changing lives as well as improving diets
Even the tiniest spaces can give you tasty crops
Discover the best fruit and veg to start with
Sheila Das on “the magical realm beneath...
Raymond Blanc shares his favourite veg for cooking
Discover the quickest way to grow your own
Grow lots of great food for friends and family
Read an extract from the book, published by DK
Discover our selection of easy-care plants
See our guidelines for a no-fuss outdoor space
How a garage can be transformed into a garden
Find out why gardening in the sky is a great idea
Meet Kuda Chimbudzi
How teaching gardening in prisons reshapes lives
Showing that gardening is for everyone
Supporting Ukraine’s growing mental health...
Dr Suzanne Moss looks at the lives of four...
Community gardeners share their reflections
Keep your garden safe and fun for pets to explore
See how being outside helps your wellbeing
The supporting role gardening plays for...
Creating something living out of loss
Swap the gym for spending time in the garden
Be the master of how you feel
Advice from Thames Hospice Volunteer Graham Stone
How one man rediscovered his passion
Get the most out of your gardening experience
How to make a garden more accessible
See our advice on how you can adapt and still enjoy gardening
Reduce or eliminate risk by using appropriate protective clothing and equipment
Plan your visit depending on your requirements
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.