Gardening for all

No matter your age or background, everyone should have the right for gardening to be a way of life, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you have plants, you are a gardener

What type of gardener are you?

Each and every person forms a unique bond with nature and, as a result, gardens in their own way. Select the category that most reflects the type of gardener you are for inspiration to enhance your journey:

Beginner | Child | School | Young person | Budget-friendly | Planet-friendly | Allotmenteer | Urban and indoor | Community | Wellbeing | Health conditions | Access needs

Beginner gardeners

Children’s gardening

School gardeners

Young people

Budget-friendly gardeners

Planet-friendly gardeners


Urban and indoor gardeners

Inspiring community stories

Gardening for wellbeing

Gardening with health conditions

Gardening with access needs

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Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.