
RHS Flower Power Garden

Feature Garden

In more detail

  • A still water feature with an overhanging boulder invites the visitor to rest and dip their toes
  • A path through the middle takes visitors on a journey through the four colour zones starting with hot, passionate reds, moving to cooler oranges, on to calming blues, and finishing at an informal seating area surrounded by woodland planting

About the garden

Taking inspiration from Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours, a taxonomic guide book to the colours of the natural world, first published in 1814, the garden is a celebration of colour and the moods and emotions it provokes.

Divided into four areas, each with its own colour theme, visitors are invited to acknowledge their responses to the colours of the planting. Beginning with intense red tones, often associated with energy and passion, the planting progresses through different colours and their tonal values and ends with calming white and green plants in an area devoted to forest bathing. Fragrance is significant in this garden too, since it can influence mood and emotions.

Rendered walls accentuate each area and a linear water feature provides a key visual transition from the highly colourful spaces to the forest bathing area.

As part of an immersive experience, visitors are invited to walk through a system of irregular paths that deliberately slow the journey and allow them to admire the different coloured planting combinations.

Read more about Anca’s garden design

Supported by: Big Hedge Co, CED Stone, Haven Outdoor and Living Space.

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