
RHS and Tatton Park Rewilding Garden

Feature Garden

In more detail

  • A dramatic drystone wall, made of sandstone from a local quarry, helps frame the space and cuts a dramatic dash against the hoggin paths, water troughs and reclaimed tree stumps
  • Among the wildflowers, field maples are a consistent plant: some have had their canopies raised, others have been trimmed into sympathetic mounds

About the garden

This garden is an exploration of wild plant communities found in Tatton Park and is designed to encourage people to visit the lesser-known areas of the Tatton Estate.

The garden represents a ‘rewilded’ section of the showground by allowing an area of the landscape to ‘grow out’ and reveal itself. Wild flowers and native plants found historically in the parkland have been introduced to the garden. In doing this, a site-specific plant community has been created that is aesthetically pleasing and manages itself.

It is hoped the appeal of the garden will give visitors the confidence to grow wild plants in their own gardens, thus increasing biodiversity and encouraging wildlife to thrive. A move away from a cultivated garden filled with ornamental plants reduces maintenance requirements and offers a sustainable alternative to gardening.

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