
The BBC North West Community Garden with the RHS

Feature Garden

In more detail

  • Designed to illustrate how basic materials can be re-purposed in an exciting way to create planters, seating and fencing, this is a garden to inspire and encourage new gardeners
  • Five community gardens each focused on different types of planting inspired the planting for this space. Among the unusual plants are a fenugreek and thornless blackberry

About the garden

Together the RHS and BBC North West are working to celebrate community gardening and shine a light on some amazing projects across the North West, highlighting the communities and individuals behind them.

Community gardening and having access to green spaces has never been so important and this garden reveals and celebrates the benefits of green spaces within local communities and provides practical ideas for visitors to implement in their own communities.

The functional and achievable design uses readily-available plants and materials and incorporates elements from local community groups visited by BBC North West, such as reclaimed scaffold boards, solitary bee hotels and a multi-stemmed crab apple Malus ‘Evereste’ that provides fruits, shade and wildlife value.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.