
Studio Unwired

Complete with sand dunes, intricate planting and a fragrant pine forest, this coastal office hideaway would make any day working a pleasure to be had

Young Designer Gardens

Did you know...

  • The garden is split into two parts: a shaded area for working, and a sunny area for relaxation
  • The slats on the two halves of the pergola are spaced differently to create different amounts of shade so the visitor can find their perfect spot

  • Weathered reclaimed scaffold boards were chosen from a pile of hundreds to all have the same grey, sun-bleached feel

About the garden

Studio Unwired is a contemporary outdoor hot-desk office for an urban setting. The tranquil space that has rustic elegance at its heart transports office workers out of crowded and conventional facilities into a serene and earthy environment. Distinct working spaces include desks and an informal seating area, all set between gnarled pine trees. A pergola is divided into three different sections - open, semi-sheltered and enclosed, with each providing unique working conditions throughout the day and allowing different levels of exposure to the elements. Pine trees offer a bold canopy. Below, garden visitors can immerse themselves in stylised dunes filled with a controlled palette of flowers and grasses that are a stark contrast to the urban office environment.
The garden takes its inspiration from maritime dunes and coastal hinterlands, and is inspired by the designer’s childhood memories of Baltic landscapes.

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