
Green Dreams

A quiet haven, for busy garden owners, to relax and catch up on much-needed rest

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Did you know...

  • A circular garden invitingly leading visitors to the circular rattan day bed
  • Buxus topiary balls are placed throughout the borders, adding interest for the winter season
  • A restrained colour palette of purple and grey on the backdrop complements the restful green and white planting

About the Garden

Designed for a plant lover with a demanding work/home life, this garden provides a quiet space in which to relax and unwind while surrounded by calm and restful planting.

A curved path draws the visitor in towards a circle in which a large ciruclar day bed invitingly offers rest and sleep. Low, cushiony mounds of box anchor the design and give it structure for winter. Flowering perennials and grasses provide a soft, airy and tactile quality. A restrained colour palette of purples, blues and lemons gives way to muted planting in calm and restful greens and whites.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.