
For The Love Of It

A multifunctional garden offering a selection of vistas and cleverly using woven fencing and hard landscape features to dissect the space into different garden rooms

Show Gardens

Did you know...

  • This garden gives indiviuals of a mature family the chance to be together while also enjoying privacy and having a space to themselves
  • Standard variegated Ilex and hornbeam add architectural value, and locally-sourced espalier Parrotia add to the garden's horticultural interest
  • The manicured lawns contrast with the bold, bright-coloured planting scheme of perennials and grasses

About the Garden

Intended for a mature family that enjoys spending time at home and in the garden, this design provides space for the occupants to explore, sit, relax with a favourite hobby, and dine away from view of neighbours.

A decorative, vertically slatted wooden boundary assists in splitting the garden into rooms. It continues with the low internal slatted fences cutting into the garden. A sleeper bridge carries the visitor over a sunken, shallow pebble pond.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.