Orchid hybrid registration

The RHS is the International Registration Authority for orchid hybrids. If you’ve created a new hybrid, you can register it with us. This helps to maintain stability in cultivated plant naming, something that benefits plant breeders and buyers alike. Additionally, your hybrid will be eligible for entry into shows and to receive awards.

Registering your hybrid

Registering your hybrid online is incredibly easy and takes less than 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also register your hybrid by post.

The orchid registrar will get back to you to let you know if your registration has been successful. If you have any queries, please email the registrar: orcreg@rhs.org.uk

Please note: Registration applications are accepted on the understanding that live plants of the named hybrid really exist. Applications shown to be based on anticipated hybrids may be cancelled.

Register your hybrid online

Registration fees

The cost of registering a new orchid name is £12 per name. The fees paid by orchid registrants go towards the administration of the orchid registration scheme and are essential to registering more than 4,000 new orchids every year.

Due to the increasing cost of overseas postage, there is a charge of £12 (in addition to the registration fee) for hard-copy certificates posted to addresses outside the UK. This represents the cost of tracked airmail postal delivery. Digital certificates, if requested, will continue to be provided at no extra charge to the existing registration fee.


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