Daffodil cultivar registration

The RHS is the International Registration Authority for the genus Narcissus

The RHS publishes The Daffodil Register and Classified List (2008), compiled by Sally Kington, former International Daffodil Registrar.


Download registration forms here:

Application form to register a daffodil cultivar name (265kB pdf) 

The application form includes notes that include registrars' addresses and guidance on completing and returning the form.

If possible, please send photographs with your registration form. Two photographs, one showing the daffodil face on and one showing the daffodil sideways on, would be ideal. The photos can be digital and sent via email or can be prints or photographic transparencies.

Search the daffodil register

You can use the daffodil register database to search The International Daffodil Register and Classified List (2008) and its Supplements:

Search the daffodil database

The database includes daffodils with cultivar names (e.g. ‘King Alfred’), cultivar group names (e.g. Nylon Group) and popular names (e.g. “Angel’s Tears”). The database is regularly up-dated, providing the most current information on daffodil registrations.


The International Daffodil Register & Classified List (2008) is currently out of print.

Supplements to the Register

Sections can be downloaded as Adobe Acrobat pdf files below:

Further information

For further information about The International Daffodil Register and Classified List (2008) or for advice and assistance to register a daffodil cultivar name, please contact:

Melanie Underwood
International Daffodil Registrar
RHS Garden Wisley
Surrey GU23 6QB
Tel: (+44) (0)1483 212403
E-mail: melanieunderwood@rhs.org.uk

American Daffodil Society (ADS) – Executive Director, Frank Nyikos,
8374 State Rd 45, Unionville, IN 47468
Tel/Fax: 1-812-360-6242
Email: contactads@daffodilusa.org

ADS Publications

Daffodils to Show and Grow (2016), price: USD$15
A selection from The International Daffodil Register and Classified List and Supplements of the names, classifications and originators of current cultivars. Information in this 11th edition of the Daffodils to Show and Grow (DTSG) was collected from DaffSeek, the ADS 'Daffodil Database with Photos'. Available from our web store – credit cards accepted.

The Kindle Edition (eBook version) of the 2016 edition of Daffodils to Show and Grow (2016) is also available from Amazon.

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