Delphinium cultivar registration

The RHS is the International Cultivar Registration Authority for Delphinium

Delphinium 'Centurion Sky Blue'Registration

Download registration forms here:

Application form to register a Delphinium cultivar name

If possible, please send photographs with your registration form. The photos can be digital and sent via email or can be prints or photographic transparencies.


The RHS publishes the Delphinium Register Cumulative Supplement 1996. Subsequent annual supplements are published in the Yearbook of the Delphinium Society.

Delphinium supplements

Further information

For further information, please contact:

Melanie Underwood
International Delphinium Registrar
RHS Garden Wisley
Surrey GU23 6QB

Tel: (+44) (0)1483 212403


Anon. (1949). A Tentative Check-list of Delphinium Names. London: RHS.
Anon. (1970). Addendum to a Tentative Check-list of Delphinium Names. London: RHS.

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