
Why Commute

Tatton Garden

With more people now working from home, beautiful spaces that can be used to both work in and spend time with the family are key.

Set within a suburban area, the garden office building is the main structure within the plot, which features a sedum roof that is mimicked in a storage area tucked away at the side of the building. A metal pergola structure and two metal arches add height and create separation between the areas, without fully blocking them off. There is a separate access to the right side of the garden, keeping clients and business visitors from entering the family home. The raised planter along the front face acts as a boundary, separating the drive and enclosing the garden space.

Amelanchiers are positioned to the left of the plot, chosen for their airy canopy and to give a good shape and coverage towards the boundary. Cercis with their large, colourful leaves are positioned at the front face to add interest and allow surrounding plants to stand out.

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