
Could Car Less

Greener Front Gardens

Could Car Less is designed for a family committed to giving up their car and choosing to travel more actively.

The garden provides practical and creative ideas for bike storage and features that help increase urban biodiversity. A rainwater harvesting system directs water to a compact forest garden, which is contrasted by an area of dry-garden planting where there is no irrigation.

The garden is inspired by a project delivered in 2021 by the charity Regenerus as part of its ‘Taking Root in Bootle’ activities. Community gardens were closed during lockdown, so it introduced a front-yard growing project for 80 households to bring nature to the doorstep. Many residents had never gardened before, and the scheme was a great success in motivating and encouraging communities to green up their small front yards.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.