
The Working From Home Garden

Young Designer Gardens

Designed after people were forced to work from home during the pandemic, The Working From Home Garden offers visitors a perfect working from home environment, with an inspiring, tranquil and carbon-negative ‘commute’ to work.

The garden path leads to the garden office, supplied by WOHOBO Garden Studios, which is a luxurious work space that looks out on to the naturalistic planting, ensuring an inspiring working environment. The materials used are ones that might be seen on a commute to work in the city, but have been reimagined in a garden setting. Large reclaimed granite kerbstones, York stone setts and gravel, supplied by CED Stone, create the terrace.

It has a naturalist planting palette with areas of mounded soil retained by York stone boulders to ensure free-draining conditions in our changing climate, even after bouts of heavy rainfall.

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