RHS Gardening Advice

RHS Gardening Advice supports members online, by phone, in person and by post. A dedicated team of horticulturists provides tailored guidance on everything from houseplants to pruning, all based on scientific research

How to get gardening advice

There are four main ways to get year-round advice. Choose which is right for you and get in touch:

Online | Telephone | Visit an advice desk | Postal

Ask gardening questions online

Ask the RHS Gardening Advisors your question by filling in a quick online form and uploading your photos. You’ll receive an email notification when your answer is ready, within 10 working days. Most are answered in 2–3 days.

If you already have a My RHS account, just log into the MyAdvice area and click ask a question to submit your enquiry. If you’re new to My RHS, register with your membership number to activate your benefits.

Asking question online
For a quick answer, try the online service

Advisor on the phone
Advisors are on hand to take calls during opening hours

Call the telephone advice service

Don’t have access to submit a question online? Try calling the RHS Gardening Advice telephone line on 01483 479700.

  • From March to October, the line is open Monday to Friday, 10am–4pm
  • From November to February, it operates Monday to Friday, 10am–1pm (closed from 20 December 2025 to 4 January 2026)

Calls are limited to one per day per RHS member.

Visit an advice desk at an RHS Garden

Get help from friendly experts at advice desks (see times and locations below) across all five RHS Gardens. To make the most of your visit, bring:

  • Questions along with background information, such as how a plant has been grown
  • Photos on a phone or tablet to illustrate the issue
Please note: Plant samples should not be brought, this helps protect the gardens from pests and diseases.

Advisor helping visitor
Speak to an advisor in person at one of the advice desks

Advice desk opening dates, times and locations
RHS Garden Bridgewater, Greater Manchester

Location: Members’ Advice Desk in the Welcome Building

Opening times:

  • March to October: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4pm 
  • November to February: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 1pm 
  • Closed: 20 December 2025–4 January 2026, plus during RHS Flower Show Wentworth Woodhouse

RHS Garden Harlow Carr, North Yorkshire

Location: Members’ Advice Desk in the garden entrance

Opening times:

  • March to October: Thursdays, 10am to 4pm 
  • November to February: Thursdays, 10am to 1pm
  • Closed: 20 December 2025–4 January 2026, plus during RHS Flower Show Wentworth Woodhouse

RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex

Location: Members’ Advice Desk in the Visitor Centre

Opening times:

  • March to October: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4pm 
  • November to February: Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm
  • Closed: 20 December 2025–4 January 2026

RHS Garden Rosemoor, Devon

Location: Members’ Advice Desk in the courtyard or welcome area

Opening times:

  • March to October: Thursdays, 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4pm 
  • Closed: November to February

RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey

Location: Members’ Advice Desk in the Welcome building
Opening times:

  • March to October: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am to 4pm 
  • November to February: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am to 1pm 
  • Closed: All Bank Holidays, plus during RHS Chelsea Flower Show week, RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival week, and from 20 December 2025 to January 4 2026. Desk moves to the Advice tent during the RHS Wisley Flower Show week
Sending a letter
Send your gardening question by post and an advisor will be in touch

Postal enquiries

Got a gardening question? Send your enquiries to the RHS Gardening Advice team at:

RHS Gardening Advice,
RHS Garden Wisley, Woking,
Surrey GU23 6QB

Postal enquiries are typically answered within 10 working days. If you’d like a quicker answer or want to send samples, make an online enquiry or call the advice service. 

Additional help and guidance

Explore more expert gardening advice and services, including soil analysis, fruit identification, and AI assistance:

Visiting an RHS Flower Show or event?

RHS advisors are ready to help at shows and events – visit the RHS Gardening Advice stand for assistance:

Frequently asked questions about the service

Get answers to the common questions about the RHS Gardening Advice service:

What gardening questions can you help with?

The RHS Garden Advice team can help with general gardening questions, plant identification, garden wildlife, and solving plant problems. 

What can and can’t be identified?

The team can help with all ornamental plants, but there are limits to this service:

  • Identification is limited to five plants samples at a time 
  • Cultivar-level identification isn’t available 
  • Wildflowers from the countryside (i.e. outside gardens) or those photographed in overseas locations can’t be identified 
  • Seeds collected abroad that contravene quarantine restrictions or CITES can’t be identified
If your plant is dying, use the online service to send photographs and information about the plant. Many issues can be successfully identified from just photos. If you are unable to use MyRHS, please call and the advisors will work out how best to help.

For questions about other areas of the RHS, see the contact us page to find the best team to assist.

How long it will take to answer questions?

The aim is to answer all online and postal enquiries within 10 working days. The team often reply to online questions within 2–3 days. Keep an eye out for an email notification to confirm when the question has been answered, or logging into MyAdvice to check.

Use of service

RHS members can use the online service as often as needed, however, phone calls are limited to one per day to ensure fair usage for all members.
How can I send in sample?
Start by sending an online enquiry with the information and some photos of the problem on the plant. Many issues can be identified from photos. If unsure what to do, please give a call first.

Please don’t just send samples. These are often the wrong ones, making it difficult to provide the answers needed.

If samples are required for examination in the laboratory, these will be requested in the reply. Laboratory testing can take 2–3 weeks to produce results, which is why it is suggested to send photos, as it is usually as accurate and quicker.
How do I create a MyRHS account?
Where and how to create a MyRHS account?

Visit MyRHS to start creating your My RHS account. Select ‘Create your free account’ and then fill in the details. Make sure to select the ‘Link your RHS membership’ button near the bottom of the form to connect your RHS Membership details to your account.

See this helpful video guide for more information: Creating a MyRHS account >

How do I link my RHS Membership to my My RHS account?

Click the My RHS link in top right of the RHS website and follow the instructions to log in. Input your email address and password and click the button log in. Click the Account drop-down in the navigation, then select My details. On this page, click link membership. Add your RHS membership number, surname, postcode and country and click the link button. Click the MyRHS button to exit. When you next sign out and back in, your welcome screen will show you logged in as an RHS member.

See this helpful video guide for more information: Linking your membership >
Poisonous plants – can we help?
Help with poisoning from plants

Please first contact a hospital, doctor or vet. The RHS Gardening Advice team may be able to help identify plants involved – call the advice line on 01483 749700 so that your enquiry can be prioritised.

For more information on poisonous plants, see potentially harmful garden plants.
Mushrooms in the garden and are they poisonous

Mushrooms and toadstools can be indentified, but the team don’t advise on edibility or toxicity.
Disputes – can we help?
The RHS Gardening Advice team can’t help with neighbour disputes or legal issues, but it may be possible to refer you to people or organisations who can.

Looking for general gardening advice?

Get advice and top tips on popular gardening topics from pruning to composts:

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.