National Education Nature Park grant

Frequently asked questions

Our frequently asked questions (FAQs) cover all you need to know about the National Education Nature Park grant

About the grant programme

Who is funding the National Education Nature Park grant?

The grant is being funded by the Department for Education and administered by the RHS.

Will this grant be given every year?

There are currently no plans for a Nature Park grant after 2024/25.

Will we have to sign a contract/SLA?
You will be sent a grant agreement to sign before we release the payment.

About the grant

How much can I apply for?

The 2024-25 grant is for up to £10,000. We will contact your setting in autumn 2024 with full details.

Will we be paid the grant in advance or in arrears?

The grant will be paid in advance, so you will need to know how much you will spend before you fill in the application. When we have approved your application for funding and you accept your grant agreement, you are welcome to start buying the items you have included in your application. You do not have to wait for the grant payment to arrive.

What can the grant be spent on?

We will publish information about eligible items in autumn 2024.

Can this funding be used for nature projects if we already have funding for them?

Yes, you can combine other sources of funding with this grant. In the application form, we will ask what other funding you have. This is for project evaluation purposes and won't affect the amount we give you.

Can I use some of the grant for training?

The grant funding is for capital spend only and expert services to support nature and biodiversity improvements. Therefore, the grant funds cannot be spent on training or staff CPD.

What are the deadlines for spending my grant and finishing my project?

We will publish deadlines in autumn 2024.


Can my organisation apply for the grant?

If we have contacted your setting direct, you are eligible for the grant. The eligible educational settings have been chosen by the Department for Education. See the Nature Park funding allocation page to find out how the list of eligible schools and how eligibility was determined. If your setting is not on this list, visit our finding funding page for other biodiversity and outdoor education funding options.

How were the eligible schools chosen?

See the Nature Park funding allocations page for the list of eligible schools and how eligibility was determined.

I'm a teacher/governor/parent/MAT staff, can I apply?

If you are a governor or a parent at an eligible school, please share information about the grants with a member of school staff. School staff should check with relevant stakeholders to agree who should fill in the application form on behalf of the school. The RHS will email eligible schools beginning in September 2024 with information about the grants programme. Because children should be involved in the project, we ask that applications aren’t made by e.g. MAT officers. Please see the FAQ for Multi Academy Trust applicants.

Can a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) apply for all grant eligible schools centrally?

We prefer for applications to come direct from the schools themselves. The purpose of the National Education Nature Park programme is for all young people to develop a meaningful connection to nature and lead the way in transforming their own school grounds for nature and people. The programme resources available online provide the framework for children and young people to develop key skills around communication, decision making and creative thinking, as well as scientific skills in biology, natural history and nature identification and recording, and digital skills including data analysis and data visualisation.

The Nature Park process involves getting to know your space and identifying opportunities through developing a deep understanding of the local environment. The grant provides funding for projects that your pupils will identify to suit the context of your individual education setting, as they move through the five-step Nature Park process.

Therefore, grant applications need to be completed by each individual eligible school to ensure that children and young people are involved in the process and that the interventions chosen are tailored to meet the specific needs of each education setting.

My school is on multiple sites. How does this affect my grant?

One grant is awarded per unique reference number (URN). You can use the grant on any or all of your sites.

About the application process

How do I apply?

There will be an online application form. We will send the link to the form to your lead contact in autumn 2024. Let us know who the lead contact for your school will be by emailing [email protected].

Using Flexigrant, the grant portal

You will apply using our grant portal in Flexigrant. The lead applicant should create a profile. Please note, you will have to register separately on both Flexigrant and on the Nature Park website itself.

We will email you a direct link to the application form which you can access after you have registered on Flexigrant. To be sent the link again, contact [email protected].

What is the deadline?
We will publish all deadlines in autumn 2024.

How to prepare for your grant application

Advice for applicants

Let us know who the lead contact for your school will be by emailing [email protected].

We will contact this person in autumn 2024 with a link to the application form. In the meantime:

  • Register for the National Education Nature Park
  • Register on the grant portal
  • Create your site boundary to make sure any changes you make are attributed to your learning site
  • Plan to get the maximum benefit out of your grant by involving your young people in the Nature Park 5 step process
  • Explore what other schools have done to gain inspiration for your project
  • Map your site with your young people to understand your starting point, or take part in habitat heroes if you are an Early Years setting.
  • Share information about the grant with relevant members of staff. Any member of staff can apply for this grant, but we expect that you consult with your stakeholders and include children and young people in the process 

If for any reason your school isn’t able to take part in the grants programme, please let us know.

See information about the National Education Nature Park grant.

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