Jellicoe Canal

Perhaps the most iconic view of Wisley, the Laboratory is set among a terraced landscape with the striking Jellicoe Canal taking centre stage

Looking its best in...

  • Spring Wisteria floribunda
  • Summer Nymphaea (waterlily) cultivars, Magnolia grandiflora 'Charles Dickens', flowering Hibiscus
  • Autumn Autumn foliage of Parrotia persica 
  • Winter Cloud-pruned displays of Cotoneaster, Osmanthus and Lonicera

The scenic heart of Wisley

A very special part of Wisley, the iconic Laboratory building is surrounded by terraces, interesting plantings and of course the striking Jellicoe Canal, which is home to many waterlily cultivars.

Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe laid out this beautiful piece of landscape for the RHS in the early 1970s, providing beauty throughout the year. 

Spring highlights

A haven for choice plants

The Laboratory building is wrapped with interesting horticulture. Its mostly west facing façade is a brilliant place to showcase and experiment with plants that enjoy good summer heat, but cannot perhaps cope with the coldest of winters.

While the planting palette does alter year on year, depending on how severe the winter has been, there is always something choice and intriguing for the keen plantsperson. 

The Jellicoe Canal showcases a huge range of named waterlilies, while the two raised ponds at the head of the canal are home to miniature cultivars, ideal for a small pond or container pond.

By the canal, look out for the enormous and spectacular Parrotia persica (Persian ironwood) which is one of the finest examples in the country. 

A vista coming to life

Our Laboratory building deserves a stunning setting, so we have framed the view of it by improving the planting on both sides of the Jellicoe Canal.

Each side is planted with a cloud-pruned landscape of Osmanthus × burkwoodii, Cotoneaster conspicuus ‘Decorus’ and Lonicera pileata. Standard Hibiscus add some flower power in the summer months, while weeping Cercis provide autumn foliage colour and additional winter structural interest.

Look closely at the borders around the laboratory itself; with good drainage, south & west facing walls & heat loss through air bricks, these borders allow plants to flourish that wouldn’t normally be seen outdoors in more open areas of Wisley.

If you have similar sunny walls at home, take inspiration from these displays. We are particularly fond of the trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) which flowers profusely in late summer.

RHS Garden Wisley Horticulturist

Look closely at the borders around the laboratory itself; with good drainage, south & west facing walls & heat loss through air bricks, these borders allow plants to flourish that wouldn’t normally be seen outdoors in more open areas of Wisley.

If you have similar sunny walls at home, take inspiration from these displays. We are particularly fond of the trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) which flowers profusely in late summer.

RHS Garden Wisley Horticulturist

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