The history of RHS Garden Hyde Hall

From farmyard to fabulous floral garden, the history of RHS Hyde Hall spans many decades

View over the Lower Pond in early 1970s

A garden against the odds

To look at RHS Garden Hyde Hall today, it’s hard to imagine its beginnings as a farm estate. Yet as far back as 1086 a farm dwelling was recorded here. When Dick and Helen Robinson purchased the estate in 1955 it was a fully operational farm. The garden they inherited comprised a circular flowerbed in front of the 18th-century farmhouse, one pampas grass, a lawn of 60cm- (2ft-) high rye grass and just eight trees. The couple knew little about gardening and their garden simply evolved, encroaching on the farm fields as each new vision took hold and their enthusiasm and knowledge grew.

The working farm and area around the house were a dumping ground for rubbish. As Mrs Robinson began to garden, she cleared areas around the house and planted with anything available. She created herbaceous borders and a vegetable garden close to the house, and established the framework of the garden with 60 young trees bought at an auction sale in Wickford Market. Cleaning the land was time-consuming work but, with some assistance from the pigs, the refuse, brambles and scrub were eventually removed and the sticky, clay soil improved with quantities of animal manure and mushroom and bark compost.

Dick and Helen Robinson in the garden at Hyde Hall

Triumph over conditions

Surrounded by arable fields, the picture-perfect, bucolic countryside belies the harsh reality of gardening here. In summer, drying winds sweep across the landscape and in winter, freezing gales batter the hillside. Light levels are high – the sky looks enormous – but rainfall is typically low. The garden receives little more than half of the average annual rainfall of the British Isles, is very exposed, and the heavy clay soil is unforgiving.

In 1976 the Hyde Hall Gardens Trust was set up and in 1993, the Robinsons donated the 24 acre garden they had created with the surrounding farmland to the RHS. Today, the garden encompasses 365 acres, of which 90 acres are leased to a local tenant farmer and 85 acres are grassland. One of the first major garden projects was the installation of a 45-million litre (10 million gallon) reservoir to provide the garden with all its irrigation needs. To further promote its water-efficient ethos a Mediterranean styled Dry Garden was added to showcase a range of drought tolerant plants. The Dry Garden was completed in the spring of 2001 – following one of the wettest winters known.

View of border in Hermione’s Garden (now The Robinson Garden) before replanting

An ever-changing landscape

In 2002, a renovation of the old Pig Park along with The Queen Mother’s Garden were undertaken. Work then began on an Australia and New Zealand Garden. Designed around mature eucalyptus trees, the area has an authentic Antipodean feel with many native plants such as kangaroo paws, and tree ferns. Project work continued with the redevelopment of Hermione’s Garden, which is a true plant haven with many detailed and unusual species. As a lasting tribute to Hyde Hall’s original owners, the area was renamed The Robinson Garden.

The RHS also embarked upon an extensive tree planting programme, with around 50,000 trees initally planted. Visitors can now enjoy a stroll through the woodland and explore the rich flora and fauna. A major turning point came in 2008 with the construction of a visitor centre comprising a café, shop and garden centre. The building was officially opened in March 2010 by Alan Titchmarsh. Work continued at a monumental pace and the ever-changing landscape ensured visitors had plenty to draw inspiration from. Projects included a Winter Garden, Global Growth Vegetable Garden and a Sky Meadow.

Horticultural apprentices part of the Global Growth Vegetable Garden team

Looking at the past and to the future

In the first chapter of its life with the Robinsons, the garden was established, grew and then developed. The structure of the ornamental garden they created around Hilltop is still here, albeit evolving and adapting. Traces of the earlier agricultural past are here too – farm fields with names that define their geological make up and stately trees that once formed the field boundaries and hedgerows. As you enter the Hyde Hall site the imposing lone oak you see on the hillside – now the centrepiece of the Sky Meadow – was once in such a boundary.

Now in its third decade in the hands of the RHS, Hyde Hall is continuing to help redefine our understanding of what a garden is, what plants we can grow and how we can adapt to our changing climate. The ongoing developments at Hyde Hall are helping educate and inspire the next generation of gardeners and enabling each of us to enhance our life through horticulture.

Landmark dates in Hyde Hall’s history

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