Robinson Garden

Behind the Farmhouse and Woodland Garden is the north-east facing Robinson Garden – an original area of Hyde Hall created by the Robinsons, filled with a diverse and detailed range of planting, from shade-loving bog plants to drought tolerant species

Looking its best in...

  • Spring A succession of colour from blossom and spring bulbs including daffodils and Camassia
  • Summer Lush foliage of large-leaved plants and specimens of Dicksonia antarctica

A plant lover’s paradise

Originally known as Hermione’s Garden after a statue that once stood here, this plant lovers' paradise was renamed The Robinson Garden in 2006. A replica of the original statue, made in memory of the Robinsons, can be found near the Hilltop courtyard.

The garden sits in a natural dell, surrounded by a retaining wall of gabion cages filled with granite and paddlestones. Much of the wall has been covered by Clematis rehderiana, an unusual deciduous climber that is covered in lemon-yellow flowers from mid-summer to late autumn. From the top of the gabions there are spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding estate.

Boggy conditions

The Robinson Garden contains a natural spring that has themed the planting of this area. Although the spring still exists its flow of water has slowed over the years.

The garden has three main boggy areas, which can be enjoyed at close quarters via a network of paths linked by two oak bridges. The very wet soil in these parts of the garden is quite a contrast to the dry soil found on its banks, and as such the planting in this garden space is very diverse.

Seasons of colour

In spring, the garden sings with colourful hellebores, winter aconite, Narcissus ‘Tête-à-Tête’ and Amelanchier, followed by Thermopsis and soft drifts of Camassia.

In autumn, the spectacular rich red foliage of claret ash (Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’) and the glossy orange, crimson and purple leaves of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) steal the show.

Plants in the Robinson Garden

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