The Chinese Streamside Garden

The RHS is delighted to have been working with the Chinese community in Greater Manchester to create a unique, Chinese-inspired garden at RHS Garden Bridgewater


皇家园艺学会 (RHS) 很高兴与大曼彻斯特的华人社区合作,在布里奇沃特花园( Bridgewater Garden) 内建设一个具備中国风格特色的花园

Interesting facts ...

  • Design A theme throughout the garden is a celebration of the four seasons – important elements in Chinese garden design
  • Jièjǐng The garden uses 'borrowed scenery' from the natural surrounding woodland
  • Rock features We have used locally sourced Derbyshire Gritstone to construct our stream and water garden rock feature

有趣的事 ...

设计 -  整个畔溪花园的设计将以中国传统四季为主题
借景 -  花园利用周围自然林木地理来借境达意
沃斯利德尔菲岩石 - 利用原来便存在于公园原址多处,厚达20米的砂岩石建造花园

NEW The Music Pavilion

The Music Pavilion is a remarkable structure situated in the Chinese Streamside Garden, created as part of a collaboration between the RHS, the China Flower Association, and the Yangzhou Classical Garden Construction Company. It features classical Chinese architectural design and authentic construction, serving as a breathtaking centrepiece.
This pavilion is the first of four interlinked pavilions that will make up The Scholar's Garden, a project that draws inspiration from classical Chinese garden design, and due to complete in 2026. The four pavilions will represent traditional arts that were historically viewed as essential for self-cultivation: music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Further horticultural developments include the creation of 11 distinct garden spaces over a seven-acre area, such as a bambusarium, a meandering meadow, and a birch wood.

Unique horticultural fusion

Covering just over seven acres, the Chinese Streamside Garden has a central location. Its pretty stream meanders slowly from Ellesmere Lake to Moon Bridge Water. Along the length of the watercourse are a series of smaller pools and weirs, while a sinuous path weaves over five stylised wooden bridges.

This predominantly woodland garden is in its early years but its distinctive character will evolve around specific horticultural themes including a Chinese meadow and a bamboo garden (or ‘Bambusarium’).


在中国畔溪花园种植的各类中国植物如槭树(Acer davidii),杜鹃花(Rhododendron indicum)和绣球花(Hydrangea paniculata)(如图),意在祝贺中国植物对英国园艺的巨大贡献。


Exploring the exciting design

Our ambitious vision is to celebrate and illustrate the huge contribution made to British horticulture by the introduction and subsequent development of Chinese native plants.

Many of the UK’s favourite plants originate in the varied landscapes of richly biodiverse China and include snakebark maples, magnolias, rhododendrons, primulas, hydrangeas, Cornus kousa (Chinese dogwood), Betula albosinensis (Chinese red birch), Ginkgo biloba (maidenhair tree) and Davidia involucrata (handkerchief tree).


当游客到达RHS 布里奇沃特花园并开始探索中国畔溪花园时,他们会发现各种不同的种植区和主题。在溪流的下端将是一个中国风格的草地,沿着溪流徘徊,穿过桥梁,经过池塘,人们将发现一个小口袋手帕树林,Davidia Involucrata。进一步向溪流前行,在湖的顶端,会见到排列壮丽的树木,将美丽的秋天色彩呈现眼前。


Blending Chinese design into the landscape

Integrating classically inspired and authentically designed Chinese structures and focal points is intrinsic to the design vision for this garden. We are delighted to be working with the local British Chinese community and horticultural experts from China who will help ensure these classical elements blend harmoniously into the established landscape.


中国畔溪花园创建会(CSGFC) 是由本地慈善家李启鸿博士牽手其他华人领袖组成,李博士热衷中国傳统园艺,構思创造一个供所有人享用的花园。 2018年7月,创建会承诺为花园筹集50万英镑。

Iconic expression of Chinese culture

Directly adjacent to Ellesmere Lake, and designed by Mr Fan Xuquan of The Yangzhou Classical Garden Construction Company, the Chinese Water Garden includes a large pool, cascade, rock features and carefully positioned, classically styled plantings.

The garden will serve as an iconic expression of Chinese culture and design, with all of its complex and inter-related ingredients, guaranteeing the garden has cultural integrity and a wider universal beauty.

Dr Lee Kai Hung and former RHS Director General, Sue Biggs with members of the Chinese Streamside Garden Founding Committee

The gift bringing the garden to life

The RHS would like to thank the Lee Kai Hung Foundation for its generous gift of £1.8 million, to be spent on the horticultural and landscape development of the garden, as well as promoting the art, heritage and culture of Chinese gardening within the local community and beyond.

Dr Lee Kai Hung DL is also Chair of the Chinese Streamside Garden Founding Committee, which is raising the £500,000 towards the creation of the Chinese Streamside Garden. The Founding Committee members are: Dr Lee Kai Hung, Gerry Yeung OBE DL, Lisa Yam, Connie Man, Leon Chan, David Chen, Changling Lin, Kevin Liu, Victor Wengong Xie and Hongye Zheng Shen.


在2019年2月,RHS总干事Sue Biggs欢迎中国驻曼彻斯特总领事鄭曦原先生,中国畔溪花园创建会(CSGFC)和来自中国的园艺师访问团到访RHS布里奇沃特花园,就畔溪花园的计划进行咨询。创建会向RHS提交了首笔捐款£155,000英镑。


Plants you will see:

A word from the Chinese Streamside Garden Founding Committee...

Dr Lee Kai Hung

“I am privileged to represent the local Chinese Community and express our gratitude to the RHS who made an unprecedented offer to the community – a joint venture partnership to build the Chinese Streamside Garden within RHS Garden Bridgewater.

“This unique project will create a legacy for the people of Greater Manchester, celebrating the importance of Chinese horticulture for the development of UK gardens over the last 300 years. This garden symbolises a blend of multi-cultural characteristics in a peaceful woodland setting, creating a stunning legacy for generations to come.”


这个独特的项目将为大曼彻斯特人民创造遗产,庆祝中国园艺在过去300年里对英国园林发展的重要性。 这个花园象征着宁静的林地环境中融合多元文化特色,为后代创造了令人惊叹的遗产。

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.