School visits to RHS Garden Rosemoor, Devon

Get gardening in this enchanting setting and discover an inspiring garden where children can let their imagination grow

Book now for visits throughout the academic year. School visits are free, and we offer a travel grant of up to £100 per school trip towards your coach costs. To book your visit or for more information, please email us on

School workshops

Our exciting workshops offer hands-on sessions for children at Foundation Stage and in Primary and Secondary schools (KS1-4), including those with special educational needs (SEN). Please see our Guided school visits page for more information about our workshops.


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About visiting the garden

With a wide variety of environments to explore across 65 acres, Rosemoor has a lot to offer school groups. A fruit and vegetable garden, woodland, lake, stream, play areas, and fantastic learning facilities all help students learn about gardening, wildlife, wellbeing and much more. All our activities are interactive and practical with a focus on learning through play, exploration, working together and asking questions.

Guided and self-guided visits

As well as our guided visits, with workshops for Primary and Secondary schools, we also have a range of resources for self-guided visits covering many parts of the school curriculum including art, numeracy and the natural world.

Our learning facilities

Things to consider before your visit

  • All of our programmes include outdoor experiences in the garden
  • Please ensure that the students and accompanying adults are dressed sensibly for the weather, with suitable footwear and appropriate clothing
  • It is advisable that pupils visiting the garden have up-to-date tetanus inoculation, particularly if a hands-on gardening activity is planned

All pre-booked educational visits are free of charge. If you feel able to give a donation to the RHS to help support our educational work this would be much appreciated; we ask you to consider a donation of £3 per child for your visit.

Supporting resources

Free resources from RHS Campaign for School Gardening to support your visit

Booking a visit

To arrange a school visit or if you have any queries, please contact the Schools Team at Rosemoor by email or phone and they will be happy to answer your questions.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.