
Library services are available to all RHS members visiting Rosemoor via our online enquiry, digital collections and postal services. Our collections will inform and inspire everyone with an interest in gardening

Our Ebook service from OverDrive is available to all members at Rosemoor and covers practical gardening, garden design, wildlife gardening, fruit and vegetable growing and garden history. Available through the OverDrive website or through an app called Libby, you will need a current RHS library account and pin for access. 

Postal loans are also available to members with a library account from our lending collections at Harlow Carr, The Lindley library and Wisley.

More information

Opening hours

Library staff are available 7 days a week to answer library enquiries by email at

Contact details

Contact us for library enquiries, including book reservations and renewals


Tel: Harlow Carr: 01423 724686 
Lindley library: 020 7821 3050 
Wisley Library: 01483 212428

An answerphone is available outside library opening hours.


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Our libraries and library services at the RHS gardens

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.