Borrowing e-books and audiobooks

Our e-book and audiobook collection makes some of the most popular and in demand gardening titles available to RHS library members online

Our e-book and audiobook service, powered by OverDrive covers all aspects of practical gardening, garden design, wildlife gardening, fruit and vegetable growing and garden history. Available through the OverDrive website or through an app called Libby, you will need a current RHS library account and pin for access.

More information

Getting started
E-books and audiobooks are available to all library members using your library membership number and your pin. To register for the library please complete our online registration form.

We recommend you download the Libby app to access e-books and audiobooks available from the App store or Google play.

For other access options please see the Access section below.
Borrowing e-books and audiobooks

Up to 3 e-books and/or audiobooks can be borrowed at a time and items are automatically returned at the end of the loan period. Books can be renewed if not required by another borrower.

Requesting e-books and audiobooks

If a book you wish to read is currently on loan, you can place a hold on it and you will be notified when the book next becomes available.


Library e-books and audiobooks can be accessed via the Libby app, the OverDrive website or using on an e-reader using Abode digital editions. Further information on accessing eBooks is available in our Getting started guidance.

Privacy information for OverDrive

Please read the privacy policy for information how your personal data is stored in Overdrive.

Help with logging in
Forgotten your pin? To reset your pin go the library catalogue and select My Account.
Help using OverDrive
If you would like help or support using our e-books and audiobooks, please visit or email us at

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.