Sunflowers can be yellow, dark red or orange and are easy to grow from seed – here's how
Marigolds can also be sown in the vegetable garden as an edible flower
French beans are delicious as vegetables or used in salads and are easy to grow
Brighten up the spring and your garden by planting cheery daffodils
Candytuft will flower in the summer
Look forward to lovely flowers with beautiful scent in summer
Grow early carrots to harvest from June onwards
Herbs are really fantastic plants, they help to add flavour to your cooking and smell great; have a go at making your very own mini indoor herb garden
Tasty peppers are fun to grow inside. Watch the colours of the fruits change from green to red
Garlic is known for having a very strong smell - luckily it's used a lot in cooking as it also tastes really yummy
Sow in autumn to look forward to an early crop of pea shoots
Californian poppies are hardy annuals, so you can sow them outdoors in spring and they will flower in the summer
Extend your summer salads by sowing some yummy lettuce
Home-grown potatoes taste heaps better than the ones you buy in the shops. Early and maincrop potatoes can be sprouted inside before planting in the garden, this is known as ‘chitting’
Plan ahead and sow some pumpkins this month so you have pumpkins to carve for Halloween
November is the perfect time to plant a rhubarb crown
Add zing to your summer salads by sowing and growing some mustard – leaves of some of the varieties taste hot and spicy
Spinach is a leafy crop and is an attractive and tasty addition to the vegetable garden or a flower border
Broad beans are rich in protein and high in riboflavin and vitamin C
Extend your summer salads by sowing some yummy spinach
Fast-growing spring onions can be added to salads, sandwiches and stir fries
Tomatoes come in all shapes, sizes and colours, so grow a few different varieties for your sandwiches
Your vegetable plot will be filling up with lots of crops. This month sow some radishes for a quick growing crop and if you have space some courgettes to harvest at the end of the summer
Spring is the busiest time in the vegetable garden, sowing lots of crops, such as chard, to enjoy later in the year
Earlier in the year you might have planned what you would like to grow in your vegetable plot, March is the month to begin sowing lots of vegetables including lovely peas
If you plant a few potatoes now it won't be long before you'll have your own crop of new potatoes. Those grown in your own garden have lots more flavour than most supermarket spuds
Grow your own yummy cress by making a Mr Cress head
Planting out your chitted maincrop potatoes in April will make sure that you are able to harvest potatoes in the autumn months for yummy roast dinners and jacket potatoes
Microgreens are harvested when the seeds have germinated and grown their first leaves. Despite being tiny, they are packed full of flavour and are great to add to salads all year round
Courgettes are a useful crop and belong to the same family as marrows, pumpkins and summer squashes
This plant is an annual and it will reach 60cm tall
Nigella - or love-in-a-mist – is really easy to grow and very pretty
Plant some wallflower plug plants in the garden for some spring colour
Plant tulip bulbs in autumn for a bright show in the spring
Verbena is great at attracting butterflies to your garden in the summer
Grape hyacinths are perennial spring flowering bulbs with flowers that look like blue bunches of grapes
Pansies and Violas are good for planting in pots and containers
These tiny flowers come in a range of colours that are perfect for growing at the front of your flower bed or in containers
Coneflowers are a great perennial for picking; the flowers can last two weeks in water
These are bright, jolly flowers and look great in the garden or in big flower pots
Sweet williams are a hardy biennial flower that can be sown during July
Clarkia is a hardy annual flower that can still be sown during the beginning of June
Plant a tiny acorn in a pot to grow a mighty oak tree
Sow cornflowers next to marigolds or poppies to make them look really bright
Nasturtiums are edible flowers like marigolds, so not only do they look really colourful but they taste good too
Sow this annual flower at Easter ready to flower in the summer
Coleus can be grown as a house plant or used for a summer bedding scheme ouside
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