The summer is a great time to spend time with children and we have 8 fun activities for the garden you can do with children of all ages. There’s no reason for anybody to complain they are bored with these activities
Recycled materials eye guard
Clay eye guard
To make the wings, bend a large pipe cleaner or piece of wire in to a loop and twist the ends together. Cover the wings with a piece of bubble wrap, fabric or other waterproof material, and use sticky tape or glue to fix it on to the wing shapeNB: You will need to make four wings; think about patterns and colours if you decorate them
Clean and dry the clear plastic drinks bottles
Fill each of the bottles with 5cm of either sand or small gravel. This is to stop the skittles blowing over if it is windy
Now the fun part - decide how to decorate your skittles. You could decorate them as people, flowers, bugs or animals
Den 1: using sticks and leaves
Den 2: using rope and a sheet/blanket
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