Wall shrubs
RHS/Simon Garbutt


Wall shrubs

These shrubs can transform a dull wall, clothing it in attractive foliage, flowers and often berries. The shrubs benefit from this sheltered location and provide an insulating effect and help to prevent weather erosion on a house wall. Many also offer food and shelter for wildlife. Popular wall shrubs include pyracantha, California lilac and Stachyurus praecox.


These shrubs can be evergreen or deciduous and trained up and across a wall, cloaking it in foliage, Some will prefer to be tied into supporting wires to get them started but with training and clipping most will be self-supporting before long. Colourful and often scented flowers, perhaps followed by vibrant berries, complete the display.


More tender shrubs like a warm, sunny wall, for support and shelter. Some prefer a more shady spot. Dig in plenty of well-rotted manure before planting, as soil is often poor at the base of a wall.


Most shrubs don’t like to be too dry at the roots, but growing so close to a wall they can be sheltered from the rain. You may need to provide additional water, especially in summer.

Did you know?

The popular wall shrub pyracantha produces an abundance of berries, which are a magnet for fruit-eating birds. Different cultivars offer berries in a range of fiery colours, but red ones are usually the most popular with birds.

Wall shrubs

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