Growing guide

How to grow perennial plants

Perennial plants provide flowers in our gardens year after year. There’s a huge range to choose from, with plenty for every growing condition and for flowers at every time of year. Many are easy to grow and low maintenance, thriving in both borders and containers.

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Quick facts

  • Most are easy to grow
  • Plants last for many years
  • There are options for every situation and soil type
  • Best planted in autumn or spring
  • Make new plants by division, cuttings or seeds

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
Pruning and training
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.