Tulipa (lily and fringed) trial results 2024

Objectives and purpose of the trial

This trial focused specifically on fringed and lily-flowered Tulipa (tulip) cultivars. This followed on from the 2022 trial of early-flowering tulips. The trial assessed the performance of new cultivars alongside older selections. Those that performed best were awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Tulips on display in Trial Garden at RHS Wisley in April 2024
A rainbow of tulip bulbs in bloom creating a carpet of colour

What is an RHS Award of Garden Merit?

The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) is intended to help gardeners choose plants that are likely to perform well, and is only awarded to plants that are:

  • Excellent for ordinary use in appropriate conditions
  • Available
  • Good constitution
  • Essentially stable in form and colour
  • Reasonably resistant to pests and diseases

Judging criteria

The following factors were all taken into consideration as part of the judging of the trial:

  • Overall appearance – proportions, sturdiness and foliage
  • Flower impact – colour, size and shape
  • Length of flowering period

  • Weather and pest resistance
  • Uniformity of height and colour

Tulipa AGM winners

This trial provided a beautiful display of spring colour with new varieties sitting alongside old favourites. As a result of this successful trial, 28 new cultivars were granted an AGM, four cultivars had their AGM reconfirmed, three cultivars retained their AGM, and one cultivar had its AGM rescinded. The new list of AGMs reflects the best of fringed and lily-flowered tulips currently available on the market.

The trial was such a popular feature that the turf around the bed wore thin from the footfall. Children loved the fringed cultivars that looked prickly and dared to put their fingers into a flower that ‘looked carnivorous’.

Teresa Clements, Tulip Trial Chair and RHS Bulb Committee Chair.

Why the AGM was awarded

New AGM winners with forum comments and hardiness ratings

Tulipa ‘Burning Flame’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Straight, tall and beautiful colour. Muted yellow and creamy bi-colour. A fine white edge to the foliage complements the flower colour. Long flowering period. Looks good even as it ages
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Colour Fusion’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Striking stem colour. Clean, grey- green bud colour. Beautiful structure. Significant colour change over the weeks resulting in solid purple colour. Consistent and has kept form. Standing strong. Fantastic centre. Ages well
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Cricko’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Uniform, big blooms. Lovely creamy flowers. Blush colour on outside of petals. Lots of fringe. Consistent performance. Exceptional tulip
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Curly Sue’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Beautiful, elegant and consistent. Delicate fringe, moody tones. Rich, strong and healthy. Weather resistant and strong. Great contrast between flower and foliage. Solid colour
  • Average height: 45cm

Tulipa ‘Flamenco’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Dark stems set off clean yellow flower. Dark red streaks on yellow base. Presenting as very even with a nice variation in colour. Nice curl on foliage. Very interesting tulip
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Gorilla’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Beautiful and rich dark colour. Nicely fringed and proportioned, consistent and strong. Good foliage. Lovely bloom shape that unfurls nicely. When mature, outer petals reflect backwards. Dark blue colour in centre
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Huis Ten Bosch’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Excellent pink fringed tulip. Lots of fringe; almost ragged. Full flower, well-proportioned and consistent. Good range of shades within bloom. Pretty when fading
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Louvre Orange’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Orange fringing gives a depth of colour to a pink to plum-coloured tulip. Beautiful colour with striking contrast. Delicate fringe. Strong tall stems, full flower and intensely coloured centre. Ages well. Regal and spectacular
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘New Santa’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Consistent and strong with a large flower head on a short stem. Red with white fringe; crisp and even colour. Robust variety would make very good bedding tulip. Flowered for many weeks
  • Average height: 30cm

Tulipa ‘Noordeinde’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Lovely creamy colour with lemon tinge transitioning to clean, fresh white colour. Consistent and strong with spiky fringing. Ages well
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Purple Crystal’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Lovely dense glossy colour with beautiful white blush on base. Lush foliage. Even and consistent. Beautiful and sombre
  • Average height: 45cm

Tulipa ‘San Clemente’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Lovely purple-blue blooms with light grey foliage. Complex texture and fringe. Tall, uniform, vibrant colour. Weather resistant and strong. A good performer – always looked good
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Doll’s Minuet’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Exotic style – interesting spidery shaped bloom. Striking colour with attractive black flush on petals that continues onto stem
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Fire Wings’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Impressive. Bold colours – brilliant red and yellow combination. Upright, strong and consistent with a lovely lily shape. Long flowering period, aged well
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Flashback’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Vibrant clean yellow with tint of green. Slender, pencil straight tulip with lovely fluted shaped bloom. Very well proportioned with long flowering period. Elegant
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Fly Away’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Consistent flower shape. Nice contrast with foliage. Tall and slim with yellow edging. Has kept form with age
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Green Mile’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Stunning contrast of colours – deep yellow with green streaks and a blue hue on the stems. Complex colour change from bud to bloom
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Greenstar’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Elegant with an attractive flower shape. Gorgeous white and green. Holding shape well and very consistent. A cracking tulip – a beauty
  • Average height: 45cm

Tulipa ‘La Perla’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Great height, large bloom, slender stems with lots of colour. Long flowering period; ages well. Robust yet elegant flower
  • Average height: 45cm

Tulipa ‘Mariette’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Pretty shape with bright pink colour. Good proportions with compact, beautiful foliage
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Marilyn’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Lovely lily shape. Charming colour combination. Very reliable and known to return year after year. Big flowers, stable colour with aging. Long flowering period
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Merlot’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Beautiful lily tulip. Uniform height, good overall proportions. Impressive red wine-coloured flowers on tall, strong stems. Elegant, shapely flowers
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Moonblush’ AGM (H6) 2024 

  • Forum comment: Significant colour change over the weeks but consistent timing. Lovely goblet shape. Beautifully tall with a glowing yellow centre. Ages well
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Pieter de Leur’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Good consistency, sturdy, uniform, with a long flowering period. Striking red colour with a flash of darker hue on the underside. Beautiful tulip
  • Average height: 45cm

Tulipa PURPLE DREAM ‘Yume no Murasaki’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Deep purple colour – stunning. Long flowering time. Very tall with large bloom. Ages well
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Sarah Raven’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Gorgeous, dark burgundy colour with a velvety sheen. Consistent, neat and uniform. Long flowering period, ages well. The petals reflex and maintain a starry, open, lily shape
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Sonnet’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Interesting combination of intense colours. Large flower size with classic lily shape. Looks good with age
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘Striking Match’ AGM (H6) 2024

  • Forum comment: Two completely different colours merge together to look like flames. High impact nearby or at a distance. Pleasing shape and proportions
  • Average height: 45cm
Reconfirmed AGMs with forum comments and hardiness ratings

Tulipa ‘Vincent Van Gogh’ AGM (H6) 2015 – subject to availability

  • Forum comment: Intense dark colour, almost black!  Large bloom, very tall with a fine fringed edge.  A classic
  • Average height: 50cm

Tulipa ‘White Triumphator’ AGM (H6) 1995

  • Forum comment: Beautiful and sophisticated, a classic lily-flowered tulip. Pure white with a faint pink blush. Blends beautifully with other plants
  • Average height: 60cm

Tulipa ‘Ballerina’ AGM (H6)1995

  • Forum comment: Beautiful. Intense orange colour with a scarlet blush. Narrow, elegant blooms. A gorgeous smell of tangerine
  • Average height: 60cm

Tulipa ‘Ballade’ AGM (H6) 1993

  • Forum comment: An old lily-flowered favourite. The foliage has a lovely, ribboned effect. Tall stems carry elegant pink flowers edged with white. Beautifully proportioned. Performed well over many weeks
  • Average height: 50cm
Retained AGMs with forum comments and hardiness ratings

Tulipa ‘Canasta’ AGM (H6) 2015

  • Forum comment: Shorter variety but very uniform with lots of colour. Great for pots and bedding
  • Average height: 40cm

Tulipa ‘Louvre’ AGM (H6) 2008

  • Forum comment: Gained richness of colour with age. Striking colour with big upright flowers and light fringe. Beautiful centre
  • Average height: 55cm

Tulipa ‘Lambada’ AGM (H6) 1995

  • Forum comment: Subtle colours, nice dark stems. Flat fringing almost like a feather
  • Average height: 50cm
Forum gathering to assess the Tulipa trial at RHS Wisley
The tulip forum assessing the trial at RHS Wisley in May 2024

AGMs rescinded

This selection was found to no longer be worthy of the AGM, and will be removed from the AGM list. The forum recommended to rescind the RHS Award of Garden Merit from the following entry:
AGMs rescinded with forum comments

Tulipa ‘Fancy Frills’ AGM (H6) 1995

  • Forum comment: Did not meet the length of flowering or plant uniformity criteria

Plants and location

What was planted?

The Garden team planted a total of 80 different cultivars of lily and fringed tulips. More specifically, there were 43 cultivars of lily-flowered tulips and 37 cultivars of fringed tulips. These were sourced from leading tulip suppliers in the UK who source their bulbs from growers and exporters in the Netherlands. Lily and fringed tulips have the following unique characteristics:

  • Fringed tulips are a relatively new introduction. Their petals are edged with finely cut fringes that can range from a simple, flat, pinked border to thickly clustered fingers that interlock to give a dense show of colour, which may contrast with the main flower colour
  • Lily-flowering tulips, sometimes known as fluted tulips, have long, narrow, single flowers with pointed petals that reflex to point outwards at the tip, giving them a shape like lily flowers

Where was it planted?

The bulbs were planted in two trial beds in the Trials Garden at RHS Wisley, Surrey. They were planted into individual shallow trenches 10cm deep x 50cm wide x 100cm long. Here are some considerations for planting out tulips:

  • The best time to plant tulips is in November
  • Pick a sunny, free-draining site in the garden 
  • Alternatively, plant them in containers in peat-free compost that drains well

  • Remember to water them during the growing season
  • Both lily-flowered and fringed tulips flower in late spring

Tulipa facts

Tulips are spring-flowering bulbs with large colourful flowers, upright stems and broad, tapered leaves. Although tulips are perennial plants, modern cultivars are known to flower well in their first year and less reliably in subsequent years. This leads many gardeners to regard them as annuals and start afresh with new bulbs each year.


Planting process

In November 2023, tulip bulbs were carefully planted in individual shallow trenches, with a layer of horticultural grit at the base of each trench to improve drainage. The bulbs were organised alphabetically within the respective groups of fringed and lily-flowered tulips. Each cultivar was arranged in 10 rows of five bulbs, forming two blocks of 50 bulbs across the width of the trial bed.

Each cultivar was spaced 60cm apart, with a total of 80 entries planted across two trial beds. After planting, the beds were covered with strulch to suppress weeds. To protect the area from badgers, a short solar-powered electric fence was installed around the exterior of the beds.

How plant health was managed


During the growing the season, RHS Wisley experienced some very cool (-5°C for a prolonged week in early December 2023), wet (higher than average rainfall) and overcast spring conditions.

With plenty of water, cool (but not frosty) nights and more overcast days, the trial lasted week after week with some entries flowering for almost five weeks. This was a delight to see and was great for visitors to be able to enjoy the wide range of lily-flowered and fringed tulips on display.

Although tulip fire, a fungal disease of tulips caused by Botrytis tulipae, which produces brown spots and twisted, withered and distorted leaves, was locally reported and also present in tulips at RHS Wisley, the trial was unaffected.


While carrying out the trial, a lot of time was spent observing the plants, and details were noticed that did not relate to the formal trial assessment. Here are some of the interesting findings from the trial:

April–May 2024

During the course of the trial, a fascinating colour change was captured by RHS Photographer Nicola Stocken and witnessed by the forum as Tulipa ‘Moonblush’ evolved from a vibrant yellow to a soft and creamy peach colour with a rich yellow centre. First and second photo taken 11 April, third and fourth photo taken 17 April, final photo taken 1 May 2024.

Watch an aerial tour of the Tulipa trial at RHS Wisley

Did you know?

Lily and fringed tulips are two of 15 different classifications of tulips that are grown. Some other well-known classifications of tulips include parrot, late doubles, coronets and darwin hybrid. All these tulips have different characteristics and flower at different times of the season.

Who was involved?

Judges of the trial

The Tulipa trial assessment judges gathered at seven regular intervals between March and May 2024, to assess the plants from the first to the last flowers. The trial judges consisted of eight invited experts, with backgrounds in plant nurseries, garden management, floral art and design and members of the RHS Bulb Plant Committee.

The judges concluded their weekly assessments of the tulips in early May. In mid-May the judges independently voted for those tulips they believed deserving of an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).

The 2024 Tulipa judges included: Teresa Clements (RHS Bulb Committee Chair), Richard Wilford (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), Adam Taylor (Director, Taylors Bulbs), Pollyanna Wilkinson (Garden Designer), Camilla Bassett-Smith (Television Presenter and Writer), John Amand (Director, Jacques Amand International), Fergus Garrett (Great Dixter Head Gardener, Horticultural Educationalist) and Tilly Clark (RHS Horticulturist).

Suppliers to the trial

List of plants in the trial

View all the tulips trialled at RHS Wisley

Fringed tulips

  • Tulipa ‘Alexandrine’
  • Tulipa ‘Arc de Triomphe’
  • Tulipa ‘Barbados’
  • Tulipa ‘Burgundy Lace’
  • Tulipa ‘Burning Fire’
  • Tulipa ‘Burning Flame’
  • Tulipa ‘Calibra’
  • Tulipa ‘Canasta’
  • Tulipa ‘Colour Fusion’
  • Tulipa ‘Cricko’
  • Tulipa ‘Crystal Star’
  • Tulipa ‘Cummins’
  • Tulipa ‘Curly Sue’
  • Tulipa ‘Davenport’
  • Tulipa ‘Eyelash’
  • Tulipa ‘Fabio’
  • Tulipa ‘Flamenco’
  • Tulipa ‘Fancy Frills’
  • Tulipa ‘Gorilla’
  • Tulipa ‘Honeymoon’
  • Tulipa ‘Huis Ten Bosch’
  • Tulipa ‘Labrador’
  • Tulipa ‘Lambada’
  • Tulipa ‘Louvre’
  • Tulipa ‘Louvre Orange’
  • Tulipa ‘Mercure’
  • Tulipa ‘New Santa’
  • Tulipa ‘Noordeinde’
  • Tulipa ‘Oviedo’
  • Tulipa ‘Party Clown’
  • Tulipa ‘Purple Circus’
  • Tulipa ‘Purple Crystal’
  • Tulipa ‘Queensland’
  • Tulipa ‘San Clemente’
  • Tulipa ‘Siesta’
  • Tulipa ‘Vincent Van Gogh’
  • Tulipa ‘Versaci’
Lily-flowered tulips
  • Tulipa ‘Ballade’
  • Tulipa ‘Ballerina’
  • Tulipa ‘Burgundy’
  • Tulipa ‘Claudia’
  • Tulipa ‘Doll’s Minuet’
  • Tulipa ‘Elegant Lady’
  • Tulipa ‘Fire Wings’
  • Tulipa ‘Firework’
  • Tulipa ‘Flashback’
  • Tulipa ‘Florijn Chic’
  • Tulipa ‘Fly Away’
  • Tulipa ‘Go Go Red’
  • Tulipa ‘Green Mile’
  • Tulipa ‘Greenstar’
  • Tulipa ‘Holland Chic’
  • Tulipa ‘Isaak Chic’
  • Tulipa ‘Istanbul’
  • Tulipa ‘Jennie Butchart’
  • Tulipa ‘Johan Cruyff’
  • Tulipa ‘La Perla’
  • Tulipa ‘Marianne’
  • Tulipa ‘Mariette’
  • Tulipa ‘Marilyn’
  • Tulipa ‘Merlot’
  • Tulipa ‘Moonblush’
  • Tulipa ‘Pieter de Leur’
  • Tulipa ‘Pretty Love’
  • Tulipa ‘Pretty Woman’
  • Tulipa ‘Purple Doll’
  • Tulipa ‘Yume no Murasakin’ (Purple Dream) 
  • Tulipa ‘Purple Heart’
  • Tulipa ‘Red Shine’
  • Tulipa ‘Royal Charm’
  • Tulipa ‘Sarah Raven’
  • Tulipa ‘Schiedam’
  • Tulipa ‘Sonnet’
  • Tulipa ‘Striking Match’
  • Tulipa ‘Synaeda Orange’
  • Tulipa ‘Très Chic’
  • Tulipa ‘White Triumphator’
RHS Award of Garden Merit logo
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