© RHS / Carol Sheppard



Common name: Lungwort

With their small blue, pink or white spring flowers and attractive silver-speckled leaves, these compact, easy-to-grow perennials are cottage garden favourites. Ideal in partial shade as ground cover or edging plants, they are a good alternative to hostas if slugs are a problem.


Sprays of small bell-like white, pink or blue flowers appear in spring. The oval leaves are often mottled with silver or sometimes entirely silver, providing attractive ground cover until they die down in late autumn.


Pulmonarias tolerate most soils, as long as they don’t dry out excessively. They prefer light shade, although once established can tolerate more sun.


Very dry soil can cause leaves to wither, especially in full sun, and plants can suffer during prolonged periods of drought in summer.

Did you know?

The flowers can change colour as they mature, so you’ll often see pink and blue flowers simultaneously on the same plant. They also offer bees a useful source of nectar early in the year.

Growing guide

Pulmonarias we recommend

Buy pulmonarias from RHSplants.co.uk

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Useful advice

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.