A new dedicated bridge into RHS Wisley is now open. If travelling by car, visitors who would normally access the garden from the A3 will now use Ockham Park roundabout and follow new signage onto the bridge and over the A3 to the existing RHS Wisley entrance. Find out more

Create Your Own Wildlife Pond


RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB

RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB


Wisley Lane, Woking


RHS Garden Wisley, RHS Hilltop – The Home of Gardening Science



  • Member


  • Non-member


  • Places

    20 total

  • Sold out. 


  • Course running time

    Tuesday 20 August 2024, 10.30am–4pm

  • Skill level


  • Subject


  • Topic

    Garden Design

A wildlife pond is the best thing that you can provide in your garden to support a wide variety of insects and animals. Learn to create a wildlife haven in a few simple steps – it will give lasting pleasure to both the people in your life and the animals in your garden.

Juliet Sargeant has more than 25 years’ experience in creating ponds and gardens that are in tune with nature. In this hands-on workshop, she takes you through the steps of positioning, designing, building and planting a cost-effective wildlife pond.

You can work on your own pond project, and by the end of the day you'll have:
  • Decided on the best position for your pond
  • Drawn a plan of the pond with marginal planting shelves
  • Have a basic layout of the sizes and depths of the planting shelves
  • Decided on the best edging treatment to blend your pond into its landscape
  • Have an understanding of how to actually build your pond
  • Have an understanding of how to choose pond planting
  • Have a list of a good choice of ornamental and wildlife-friendly pond plants to choose from
Well known for her approachable and energetic teaching style, with illustrations from her own garden projects, Juliet de-mystifies pond building to inspire you to create this lovely addition to your own garden.

This course will include some outdoor elements, so please come prepared with suitable clothing and footwear.

Includes tea, coffee and a light lunch. Ticket price includes garden entry.

Tutor: Juliet Sargeant

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.