Home-education visits at RHS Garden Wisley

Bring your students to our dedicated learning space, where our Education Officers run guided workshops designed just for home-education groups

Bring your home-educated family or group to RHS Garden Wisley for a day of discovery and guided workshops with our enthusiastic and highly qualified Education Officers. We have reserved a selection of term-time days throughout the year for home-educated learners to explore our inspiring gardens. On these days, take part in a 90-minute art or science workshop run from 10.30am.

For further information home education visits at Wisley, see our frequently asked questions.

  • Science focused workshops – explore the importance of plants and discover their lifecycles, habitats and some amazing adaptations

  • Art focused workshops – enjoy highlights of seasonal colour, shape and texture and experience sensory learning around the garden

Workshops are run alternately in the areas of Art and Science. The exact topic of each workshop will be at the discretion of the Education Officer but will be relevant to the National Curriculum. Workshop dates are released termly, with two workshops taking place each term.

The workshops are repeated during a single academic year, so you need only attend one Art and one Science workshop per year.  Bookings can be made online using the link below.

Search for upcoming home school workshops and book your place >

Academic Year 2024–25:

Our workshop dates for 2024–25 will be released on 1 September 2024 (autumn term), 1 December 2024 (spring term) and 1 April 2025 (summer term).

Get in touch

If you have any questions not answered by our Frequently Asked Questions page, then please get in touch:

Please note: If you are operating as a Home School Group of 15 students or more and have Public Liability Insurance, then you are welcome to book one of our guided or self-guided school visits, which take place during term-time. Please see our Guided School Visits page for more details.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.