School visits

Let children learn about gardening and science for free in the exciting surroundings of RHS Gardens

To book your visit, or for more information, please contact your local RHS Garden. We encourage you to get in touch to discuss your visit requirements in good time, as we may have a reduced capacity.

About school visits

School visits to RHS Gardens are free (pre-booked) and give children the opportunity to get involved in practical horticulture, art and science. Bringing the curriculum to life in an inspiring setting, visits are led by the schools themselves or with workshops run by experienced Education Officers, based at each site. 

All our RHS Gardens are individual and the school visits programme, either guided or self-guided, has been adapted to suit each particular garden.

Why not book a visit to your local RHS Garden?

Help to stimulate and capture children’s curiosity about nature and gardening through our exciting hands-on experiences at an RHS Garden near you – please contact your local garden for more information.

RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey

At Wisley, we offer visiting school groups the chance to experience our flexible learning spaces throughout the garden, including our Learning Studios and Learning Garden at RHS Hilltop, the Clore Learning Centre, our Teaching Garden and the Glasshouse with more than 5,000 cultivated plants.

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RHS Garden Rosemoor, Devon

At Rosemoor, we offer visiting school groups a wide variety of exciting environments to explore whatever the weather including the Peter Buckley Learning Centre and Teaching Gardens, the Fruit & Vegetable Garden, Woodland, Lake and two children’s play areas – The Brash and The Copse.

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RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex

At Hyde Hall, we offer visiting school groups a hands-on learning experience in a diverse range of garden areas including our purpose-built Clore Learning Centre and Learning Garden, the Dry Garden, Global Growth Vegetable Garden, meadows and woodlands.

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RHS Garden Harlow Carr, North Yorkshire

At Harlow Carr, we offer visiting school groups the opportunity to see what can be grown in challenging growing conditions and the chance to discover different areas of the garden including the Bramall Learning Centre and Teaching Garden, Kitchen Garden and woodlands.

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RHS Garden Bridgewater, Greater Manchester

At Bridgewater, we offer visiting school groups a beautiful green space and glorious gardens with fantastic learning facilities including, a bespoke Learning Studio, Peel Learning Garden and Woodland Play area.

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The RHS is the UK’s leading gardening charity and all educational visits to RHS Gardens are free. If you feel able to give a donation to the RHS to help support our educational work this would be much appreciated; we ask you to consider a donation of £3 per child for your visit.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.