How to grow happy

Getting your hands dirty (or even just being in a garden) can benefit the mind, body and soul; see our top tips for harnessing the power of gardening to improve your mental health and wellbeing

Get growing!

Growing your own plants and flowers in hugely rewarding, bringing all sorts of health and wellbeing benefits. But what if you're not quite sure where to start? Our How-to guides show you the first steps to successful planting and growing in clear, easy-to-follow stages.

How to get started

Make new friends

Join a community gardening project – you'll meet lots of new people and help make the world a better place. There are hundreds of schemes nationwide, from Cornwall to Caithness!

Get involved

Learn a new skill

Growing your knowledge and skills can be hugely rewarding and great for mental health. Why not sign up for a gardening course today? From a crafty afternoon to monthly or yearly courses; there's something for everyone.

Find out more

Get small hands dirty

Share the love of gardening with your children with the RHS Campaign for School Gardening. It's a fun way to learn everything from maths to science and art; plus ensuring kids get the health and wellbeing benefits of being outside.

School gardening

Go garden visiting

Discover beautiful spaces and places near you – search our database of hundreds of gardens nationwide. From castles to cottages, there's a huge variety to excite and inspire you.

Find a garden to visit


Do something amazing today; help us build a greener tomorrow. There are many ways to volunteer with the RHS, from our world famous flower shows, to gardens and community work.

Find out more

Grow your own

The healthy, cheap and satisfying way to garden; growing your own fruit and vegetables is one of the best ways to improve health and wellbeing for you and your family.

Discover edible gardening

Get motivated

Just in case you need any more excuses to get outdoors and get stuck into planting and digging, here are 10 reasons to get going!

10 reasons to get gardening

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Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.