Jobs to do in December

Pruning and tidying

Top tips

Now’s the time to prune apples, pears, quinces and medlars. If you’re planting new trees and bushes, ensure the ground is not too wet or frozen. Meanwhile, clear late-season debris off the vegetable plots for composting.

Sowing and planting


  • Plant new trees and bushes. Don’t plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen.


  • Plant shallots and garlic in mild areas with well-drained soil.

Pruning and training


  • Thin out congested spurs of restricted fruit trees (avoid pruning stone fruits in winter).

  • Tie in new tiers of espaliers.

  • Prune apples, pears, quinces and medlars.

  • Prune autumn raspberries.

  • Prune red and white currants and gooseberries.


  • Remove any yellowed leaves on Brussels sprouts and other brassicas. This will prevent the development of grey mould and brassica downy mildew.
  • Remove any rotten stored fruit.

  • Protect new sowings and crops still in the ground from mice.

  • Protect brassicas from pigeons using cloches, re-used netting or biodegradable or re-used fleece.

General care


  • Tie in new tiers of espaliers.


  •  If hard frosts are forecast, cover trenches of stored root crops with a protective layer of cardboard so you can still access your crops to eat and enjoy during cold snaps.

  • Stake or earth up any Brussels sprouts stalks that look leggy and vulnerable to wind rock.

  • There’s still time to force chicory. Pot them up and position them in a dark warm place. The tasty chicons will appear in three to six weeks.

  • If you have not done so already, now is the time to dig over and incorporate soil improvers into vacant areas of the vegetable plot.

  • Clear late-season debris off the vegetable plots for composting.

  • Clean and store bamboo canes in the shed or other dry place to ensure they’re still in good condition for next year. Broken or rotted ones can be shortened, where possible, for re-use.

Ready to harvest


  •     Beetroot

  •     Turnips

  •     Parsnips

  •     Brussels sprouts

  •     Celery

  •     Swedes

  •     Cabbages

  •     Leeks

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