Remember a loved one with an in-memory gift

Many families and friends choose to give a gift to the RHS to celebrate the life of a loved one, their passion for gardening or their love of a favourite RHS Garden

You can choose to support a particular RHS Garden, where all gifts will go towards planting and maintaining the garden’s collections. Or you can choose to give towards the RHS Remembrance Fund where your gift will help to maintain all the beautiful RHS Gardens for the future. 

RHS Remembrance Fund

Gifts to the RHS Remembrance Fund help to keep all our RHS Gardens beautiful for everyone to enjoy. Your donation will go towards planting and caring for our inspiring plants and collections wherever the need is greatest at: RHS Garden Harlow Carr, Yorkshire; RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex; RHS Garden Rosemoor, Devon; RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey; and RHS Garden Bridgewater, Salford.

Make your donation today
A family exploring the Doric Columns in the woodland

Harlow Carr Remembrance Fund

Your gift will help to care for the garden’s many beautiful landscapes, from the enchanting woodland and wildflower meadows, to the peaceful Streamside Garden.  

The inspirational planting in the Dry Garden

Hyde Hall Remembrance Fund

Your gift will help to maintain the beautiful and contrasting gardens, from the stunning Dry Garden, with its sweeping views, to the lush and intimate Hilltop Garden.

The stunning Rock Garden and mixed borders

Wisley Remembrance Fund

Your gift will help to support the planting of this diverse garden, from the stunning Mixed Borders and striking Rock Garden to the world-class tender plant collection in the Glasshouse.

The fragrant Shrub Rose Garden in summer

Rosemoor Remembrance Fund

Your gift will help to care for RHS Garden Rosemoor’s fragrant rose gardens, wildflower meadow, orchards and other areas of this much loved garden.

Landscaped planting in the Worsley Welcome Garden

Bridgewater Remembrance Fund

Your gift will help RHS Garden Bridgewater, our beautiful garden in the North West, to flourish for years to come. Find out more about the garden and how you can support it. 

RHS Garden Mobility Fund

Your ability to move around and enjoy our RHS Gardens is really important to us, so we provide mobility scooters and manual wheelchairs at each garden, free of charge.

RHS supporter Sarah Upton (pictured with her family) kindly donated a mobility scooter for visitors to Wisley, enabling more people to enjoy the gardens at their own pace. 

You can help others to experience the gardens by making a donation to buy and maintain scooters at our gardens. You can support the Mobility Fund at RHS Garden Harlow Carr, RHS Garden Hyde Hall, RHS Garden Rosemoor or RHS Garden WisleyAlternatively, you can download and return our mobility leaflet to make a gift.

Other areas you can support

If you'd prefer to support another area of our work, we'd be happy to discuss how your gift could help. You could bring gardening to schools, help to train new horticulturists or preserve our science and library collections.

Family and friends may prefer to remember a loved one by giving to an RHS Garden, or any area of RHS work, in lieu of cut flowers. If you'd like to organise a funeral collection, please get in touch.

You can contact us by telephone on 020 7821 3125, email or post at the RHS Development Office, 80 Vincent Square, London SW1 2PE.

We're very grateful to everyone who remembers their loved one by giving to the RHS. 

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.