RHS Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Each year the AGM enables RHS members to find out what has been achieved over the past year and to have a say in future developments

About the RHS Annual General Meeting

The 2024 RHS Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at RHS Harlow Carr, North Yorkshire on Wednesday 10 July 2024 starting at 11am. Refreshments will be available to members from 10.30am. Following the AGM, pre-bookable tours of the garden, Kitchen Garden and Alpine House will be open to members (see information in the Notice).

The full Notice of the AGM (1MB pdf) details all business to be dealt with before, during and after the AGM, including the election of the RHS President, Treasurer and voting on the election of members to RHS Council. Information on the candidates standing for election to RHS Council and their statements are below and in the Notice.

Documents, minutes and reports

How to vote

In addition to being able to vote in person at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), RHS members can vote online* until 12noon on Tuesday 9 July 2024. The results will be announced at the AGM.

Vote now

*Please note: This voting service is being provided by Civica Election Services (CES) on behalf of the RHS. Please read the members section in the RHS Privacy Policy and the CES Privacy Statement for more information on how your personal data will be processed.

For any queries related to voting, please contact Civica Support Team on 020 8889 9203 or by email at [email protected].

Candidates for election to the RHS Council 2024

Annually, as part of the running of the RHS, at least three RHS Council members retire and the resulting vacancies are filled by election at the AGM. This year, there are four validly nominated candidates for three vacancies and an election will be held

The Council Nominations Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Nominations, Appointments and Governance Committee, led the process for elections to the RHS Council in 2024. The Committee reviewed the applications of all candidates that applied to stand with the support of the RHS Council and interviewed a shortlist of candidates.  
Following a skills audit of current trustees, the Committee considered the skills and experience required on the RHS Council for election in 2024 and recommended Nick Dunn, Liz Nicholson and Ruth Willmott for election to the RHS Council. The RHS Council supports the Committee’s recommendation. Adrian Penrose is standing independently in the election.

Candidates for election
Pictured: (Left) Nick Dunn and Liz Nicholson, (Right) Ruth Willmott and Adrian Penrose

Candidates standing with the support of RHS Council

Nick Dunn

Proposed by: Tony Kirkham 
Seconded by: Ray Evison   
Supported by: Rosie Atkins, Claire Austin, Sue Beesley, Jim Gardiner, Stephanie James, Jon Wheatley. 
With 50 years of commercial experience, in tree nursery stock production (as an owner and employer), working closely with the horticultural industry and associated charities and having completed the first five-year term as an RHS Council member, I believe I am well qualified to serve a second term. It would be a great privilege to do so. As an individual, I have found it invaluable working with dedicated and like-minded trustees, and I wish to take advantage of this valuable experience to assist the RHS further for this extended period. 
I am keen that the RHS maintains and improves its reputation as the best UK horticultural and gardening charity, and to further its credentials internationally. My focus would be to assist in horticultural practice, knowledge transfer, support RHS Science and offer horticultural skills advice in propagation and further promote horticulture as a worthwhile career choice especially for young people in increasingly challenging times. I wish also to focus on supporting exhibiting nurseries at RHS Shows and particularly to encourage young horticulturists to become more involved.  
I have served on both the Awards and Nominations and Governance Committees and continue to support the RHS through the Fruit, Vegetable and Herb and the Gardens Advisory Committees. My other industry duties include Chairing the DEFRA Advisory Committee for the National Fruit Collections, as a Trustee for Batsford Arboretum and I support the work of Perennial as a volunteer garden advisor.

Liz Nicholson

Proposed by: Gill Chamberlain 
Seconded by: Ruby Simpson  
Supported by: James Alexander-Sinclair, Gurli Andreassen, Allon Hoskin, Jane Marie Hudson, Anne Marie Owens, Jo Thompson. 
In the face of the climate and nature crises which face the world, the RHS has a pivotal role in sharing strategies to help gardeners do their best for the environment while still enjoying their gardens. 
I have been a senior RHS Judge for many years and have been very engaged in supporting the RHS in delivering more sustainable gardens at RHS Shows. I love the imagination and creativity that these showpieces bring to our sector, but feel the increasing importance of this not being at the cost of the environment. I have developed a Green Design Audit with the RHS, and we have used it this year around the RHS Chelsea Flower Show showground, ensuring a reduced carbon footprint and much greater emphasis on sustainability. 
I would like to join RHS Council as I feel this work in sustainability is essential not only in our shows and gardens but also in the advice and support we give to our members. 
Invested in education, I have been involved in creating forest schools for more than 20 years, enabling access to horticulture for our young people. 
In my day job, I run an award-winning garden design and construction company in Oxfordshire and have a robust and wide commercial and business skill set that I can bring to support of the RHS. I am a passionate gardener, and my favourite part of the garden is my veggie patch.

Ruth Willmott

Proposed by: David Rae 
Seconded by: Claire Austin 
Supported by: Rosemary Alexander, Charles Blumhein, Mick Crawley, Ambra Edwards, Tazim Essani, Janet Russell. 
Following academic studies in both business and management, I spent 15 years in management consulting. In 2008, I decided to change career and followed my passion into landscape design. Now a multi award-winning landscape designer, I have exhibited five times at the prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show, most recently in 2022 and with my small practice, undertake public realm and private residential landscape design in the UK.   
I offer a skill set that combines business and horticulture. My first career gave me extensive experience of working internationally on strategic initiatives that delivered significant commercial value for my clients. It also gave me a keen understanding of what can be achieved within time and budgetary constraints. Creativity, sensitivity, and the desire to engender beauty, are the starting points for any landscape designer; what I add to the mix is a deep knowledge of plants; broad, analytical thinking; and the leadership and management skills to bring my designs successfully from the page to the ground.  
Since 2015, I have dedicated my time to the RHS specifically as an active member in the following governance areas:

  • Commercial Board (2015)  
  • Audit and Risk (2020), Council Technology Group (2020), NAG Committee (2020) 
  • Council Member (since 2020) 
  • Chair of the Nomination, Appointments and Governance (NAG) Committee from 2023  
  • People and Remuneration (2023) 
  • I am on selection panels and judge at RHS Flower Shows  

Candidates standing independently

Adrian Penrose

Proposed by: Mark Line  
Seconded by: Ann Clarke  
Supported by: Eileen Atkinson, Rachel Fogg, Kathleen Hanglin, Jill Hutton, Sarah Severn, Janice Topham. 
I am standing for RHS Council as an RHS Life member who is passionate about gardening and gardens. Gardens bring us joy and support wildlife. Visiting gardens, reading and learning about plants and horticulture, creatively designing our own spaces, overcoming setbacks and then watching our gardens develop and bloom is both a privilege and a huge thrill. I believe that gardens also bring enormous benefits for our physical and mental wellbeing – both of which underpin my personal values for living more sustainably. 
If elected, I would bring to the role more than 40 years of knowledge and experience in communications, public engagement and sustainability – criteria highlighted for this year’s election – in the public and voluntary sectors, mainly in health, medical research and the environment. During my career, I have spearheaded high-profile national and international public awareness campaigns, led the communications for an NHS Trust during Covid, masterminded two charity centenaries (different charities), run campaigns to broaden public engagement and community and volunteer participation, and secured policy changes for charities. 
I have also been a charity trustee, an elected parish council member, school governor and served other honorary roles, so I recognise the range of responsibilities involved in wider board governance and oversight. 
I applaud the efforts of the RHS to widen its appeal, embrace the science of cutting-edge horticulture, enhance the visitor experience and nurture the gardeners of tomorrow. I would be honoured to represent you on the RHS Council and contribute to the ongoing stewardship and development of the RHS. 

Missed the 2023 RHS Annual General Meeting?

Presentation screen
Presentation screen for Annual General Meeting 2023

The 2023 AGM was held on Friday 14 July 2023 at RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex, with exclusive RHS members-only garden tours taking place before the meeting. The full downloadable Notice of the AGM (1.3MB pdf) details the full business dealt with before, during and after the AGM.

Have a question?

If you would like to request an alternative format of the Notice or have any other AGM-related enquiries, please email us at [email protected], write to us at 80 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PE or call the AGM Helpline on 020 7821 3194.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.