
Docks (Rumex spp.) are easily recognised with their large leaves and distinctive seedheads. These leaves are edible and used for herbal remedies and dyeing. They are common weeds in gardens and difficult to eradicate.

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Quick facts

Common and botanical name Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) and curled dock (R. crispus)
Area affected Recently disturbed ground, rough grass, borders and lawns
Main symptoms Thick tap root that can re-grow and abundant seeds
Timing Leaves appear in spring and seedheads persist into winter; treat spring to autumn

What are docks?

Docks are common throughout the British Isles in recently disturbed land, farmyards, roadsides and gardens. Dock plants support a wide range of insects, including butterflies, moths, plant bugs and beetles. They can be allowed to grow in wilder parts of the garden and flower-rich lawns. Learn more about making the most of lawns as a wildlife habitat and ways to encourage wildlife in the garden;

Lawn and mini-meadow habitats

Lawn and mini-meadow habitats

Wildlife in gardens

Wildlife in gardens

Boiled dock leaves were used as pig food and fallow deer are particularly fond of the leaves. The leaves have also been used to wrap cheese and butter, hence the name butter-dock. A widespread practice that continues to the present day is to encourage children to use dock leaves to soothe the sting from nettles.

Since dock have a deep

tap root which can regrow from the top section and they produce large amounts of seed they can be a troublesome weed in the garden. This page looks at options for the gardener when docks are becoming a problem.


Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) is a long lived perennial with a basal rosette of long-stalked, smooth ovate-oblong leaves, stems 80cm-1m (32in-3¼ft) high and the distinctive seedheads on spikes that persist into winter. The tap root can be up to 90cm (3ft) in length.

Curled dock (R. crispus) is similar to broad-leaved dock but leaves are tapering with a wavy edge and stems 60cm-1m (2-3¼ft).

The problem

Docks have a thick, branched tap root that can regrow from the top section if damaged.

Seeds are produced in abundance, germinating readily if left on the surface and are capable of surviving in the soil for up to 50 years. Dock seeds are commonly imported via manure; however, composted manure, municipal compost and other soil improvers should be free of dock seeds.

Curled dock (Rumex crispus) and broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) are covered by the Weeds Act 1959 (which specifies five injurious weeds including both curled dock and broad-leafed dock). 


First, consider whether this can be done using non-chemical means such as digging out. Where these methods are not feasible, chemical controls may need to be used.

The RHS believes that avoiding pests, diseases and weeds by good practice in cultivation methods, cultivar selection, garden hygiene and encouraging or introducing natural enemies, should be the first line of control. If chemical controls are used, they should be used only in a minimal and highly targeted manner.

Cultural control

Docks can be controlled by cultural methods.

Try digging isolated specimens out as only the top few inches of rootstock have powers of regeneration and if 12-15cm (5-6in) can be removed, usually there is no regrowth. Docks are especially vulnerable in spring so digging out at this time should be more effective.

Weedkiller control

The RHS does not support the use of weedkillers and recommends that alternative control methods are used. However, we do note that when gardeners struggle to control plants with cultural methods, regulated weedkillers/pesticides for home gardeners are available for use legally. Garden centres and large retailers selling weedkillers have trained staff who can advise on suitable products for your needs.

Weeds: non-chemical control

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