Choose a warm, sunny, sheltered sowing site with well-drained soil. Weed the area thoroughly, then fork in plenty of garden Can refer to either home-made garden compost or seed/potting compost: • Garden compost is a soil improver made from decomposed plant waste, usually in a compost bin or heap. It is added to soil to improve its fertility, structure and water-holding capacity. Seed or potting composts are used for growing seedlings or plants in containers - a wide range of commercially produced peat-free composts are available, made from a mix of various ingredients, such as loam, composted bark, coir and sand, although you can mix your own.
compost or manure, ideally a few weeks before sowing, to allow time for the soil to settle.
The main outdoor sowing season is from March to June. Pea seeds won’t germinate in very cold conditions, so wait until the soil reaches about 10°C (50°F). If spring is slow to arrive, warm the soil with cloches before sowing, then protect the A seedling is a young plant grown from seed.
seedlings with cloches or plastic-free fleece. However, peas do generally prefer cooler weather and grow well in a cool spring. Avoid sowing in very damp soil though, as the seeds may rot.
For taller varieties, sow seeds 7.5cm (3in) apart in either a single row, or a double row with 30cm (1ft) between them (for the supports). Generous spacing between the rows makes these large plants easier to support and improves air circulation, which deters powdery mildew. Put supports in place either now or once seedlings appear – ideally netting or chicken wire attached to posts or bamboo canes.
Shorter varieties need less space between rows, as a few twiggy sticks should suffice for support. They are usually sown in a triple row in a flat-bottomed trench 5cm (2in) deep and 15cm (6in) wide. Sow three rows using the full width, staggering the seeds so they’re about 7.5cm (3in) apart. Cover with soil, then lightly firm and water well. If sowing additional sets of rows, space them at a distance equal to the height of the variety you are growing. Add twiggy sticks between the rows to support the plants.
To get harvests throughout the summer, either sow several batches of an early variety every few weeks, or make one sowing of both early and maincrop varieties, as they will mature at different times.
Protect seedlings from slugs and snails, especially in damp conditions, and from pigeons – see Common problems, below.