
The Royal Family’s favourite flowers

The King and other members of the Royal Family were pleased to share images of some of their favourite plants or flowers blooming in May during the lockdown of 2020

During the difficult period of the national lockdowns of the Covid pandemic, the Royal Family gave us an exclusive insight into their favourite plants, bringing a little light joy to a difficult time.

King Charles III: Delphiniums

Strong uprights of delphiniums in pretty pastels amidst formal topiary

“For me, the magnificent, gloriously apparelled Delphinium, with its impeccable bearing and massed in platoons, holds pride of place in my botanical affections.” King Charles III

The Queen: Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis)

A stalwart of our gardens, the Queen chose Alchemilla mollis as her favourite foliage plant

“This acid green, fluffy-flowered plant is one of the best ever foliage plants for the garden and the vase. A must for every gardener.” Queen Camilla

The late Queen Elizabeth II: Lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis)

Lily-of-the-valley will always be cherished by those who loved the late Queen Elizabeth

Lily-of-the-valley was one of the late Queen Elizabeth’s (1926–2022) favourite flowers during the summer months. It featured in her Coronation Bouquet and held a special association ever since. In the images provided, the flower is shown growing in the Buckingham Palace Garden. 

Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation Bouquet was also made up of white flowers comprising of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley from England, Stephanotis from Scotland, orchids from Wales, and carnations from Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh: Azaleas

Bright and beautiful azaleas were chosen by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are pleased to share this image of azaleas, which are “so breathtaking at this time of year and have the most intoxicating scent.” The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh

Image: Provided by The Duchess of Edinburgh

The Princess Royal: Hellebores (Helleborus)

Hellebores were chosen by The Princess Royal, for their intricate markings

“Not only do they flower early but they keep flowering for two months, and they are often beautifully marked with endless variations.” The Princess Royal

Image: Provided by The Princess Royal

The Duke of Gloucester: Mexican fleabane (Erigeron karvinskianus)

With their free-seeding spirit, The Duke of Gloucester loves Erigeron karvinskianus

The Duke enjoys digging Mexican fleabanes up from between the paving stones and transferring them to other parts of the garden to grow properly and healthily – both with some difficulty and much care. The Duke also gives the daisies as gifts to friends, from time to time.

Image: Provided by The Duke of Gloucester

The Duchess of Gloucester: Sweet peas (Lathyrus)

The Duchess of Gloucester loves sweat peas so much she has even learnt how to weave willow supports

The Duchess shares that one of her favourite flowers is sweet peas and she made one of the wicker trellis supports that can be seen in the image. The Duchess has been an Honorary Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers since 1991, and learnt to weave as part of this group.

Image: Provided by The Duchess of Gloucester

Princess Alexandra: Golden Celebration rose (Rosa Golden Celebration (‘Ausgold’) (S)

Princess Alexandra revels in the glorious scent of Rosa Golden Celebration

“My Alexandra rose dominates my garden, but this Golden Celebration rose gives me great pleasure to look at and has the most extraordinary and unique scent.” Princess Alexandra

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