Composting For Organic Growing


Nant y Bedd Garden

Nant y Bedd Garden


Fforest Coal Pit, Abergavenny


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    6 total

  • For more information please call 01873 890219, email [email protected] or visit the Nant-y-Bedd Garden website.

    Please note: Nant-y-Bedd Garden is a third party, and all bookings will be subject to Nant-y-Bedd Garden's terms and conditions and privacy policy.


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Composting is a key element of organic growing. Transforming waste products from the kitchen and garden into microbially active compost to enrich the soil is an immensely satisfying process.

Join Sue Mabberley, owner and Head Gardener at Nant-y-Bedd and learn the theory behind the process of successful compost making and different approaches, including traditional bins and how to make a compost windrow.

Following a delicious two-course organic lunch, you will move into the garden to make a compost windrow and tour the garden to see composting in action – compost and leafmould bins at different stages of the process and in use in the garden and potting compost mixes.

All attendees will be given a free sachet of compost activator to get started at home. This workshop is also available on Thursday 14 July 2022.

Please note: A two-course organic lunch is included. It is recommended to bring sensible shoes and outdoor wear.

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