Magnolias At Caerhays

Demonstration / Talk / Lecture

Caerhays Castle Gardens

Caerhays Castle Gardens


Caerhays Castle,, Gorran, St. Austell


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  • Non-member


  • For more information and to book email [email protected] or visit the Caerhays Garden website.

    Please note:
    Caerhays is a third party, and all bookings will be subject to Caerhays terms and conditions and privacy policy.


  • Event times


  • Subject

    Demonstration / Talk / Lecture

Join Charles Williams, owner of Caerhays, on a lecture and garden tour focussing on his passion: ‘Magnolia Mania’. The lecture will discuss the historic origins of magnolias and the National Collection of Magnolias at Caerhays, in particular concentrating on the best new magnolia hybrids bred over the last 40 years in America, the Netherlands and New Zealand as well as at Caerhays itself.

Please bring appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear for the garden tour.

Please note lunch is not included. Refreshments and hot meals are available in the Magnolia Tea Rooms within the castle courtyard.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.