Key plants in the Winds of Change Resilient Planting Pocket

The theme is to create a coastal atmosphere. Limonium, Crambe, Sea poppy, and Silene evoke colour and textures of the sea. Miscanthus & Stipa represent the movement of the wind

Ceratostigma willmottianum

A small deciduous shrub with lanceolate leaves to 5cm in length, turning red in autumn. Flowers 2.5cm in width, rich blue, in dense terminal clusters.

Echium vulgare 'Blue Bedder'

Santolina chamaecyparissus

Santolina chamaecyparissus

A compact rounded shrub with woolly young shoots and (when crushed) aromatic, grey-white foliage. In mid to late summer small, yellow button-like flowers hover above on wiry stems. Perfect for a sheltered, sunny, well-drained border or gravel garden.

Yucca filamentosa

A small stemless evergreen shrub forming clumps of sword-shaped, deep green leaves to 75cm in length, edged with curly filaments. Nodding creamy-white flowers 6cm in length are borne in panicles to 2m in height in late summer.

Yucca filamentosa

Arbutus unedo

Arbutus unedo

Spreading, evergreen, shrubby tree, about 8m tall, with rough shredding red-brown bark and mid-green leathery leaves. Flowers are urn-shaped and white, sometimes pink tinged, appearing in panicles to 5cm long as the strawberry-like red fruits, from the previous years flowers, ripen.

Armeria maritima

Armeria maritima

A clump-forming evergreen perennial with dense, needle-like dark green leaves and erect stems to 20cm, bearing compact clusters of white, pink or red-purple flowerheads to 2.5cm wide, in late spring and summer.

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