RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

The Traditional Townhouse Garden

Show Gardens

The Traditional Townhouse Garden is designed to inspire urban gardeners to create beautiful and sustainable sanctuaries that can be enjoyed by both people and wildlife.

Multi-stemmed Prunus serrula sit amid pollinator-friendly flowers and layers of texture in large planters, which brim with Alchemilla mollis, Astrantia major subsp. involucrata ‘Shaggy’, Athyrium niponicum ‘Metallicum’ and Digitalis purpurea ‘Dalmatian White’. The layout is traditional, with straight lines evoking the structural nature of urban living. In contrast, the repetition in form and colour creates a natural rhythm, with gravel planting softening hard edges.

Whites, greens and dramatic dashes of deep purple and dusty pinks repeat through the planting, as does the varying flower forms – from the tall spires of Verbascum and Digitalis, to the domed umbels of Ammi and the pin cushion flowerheads of Scabiosa. Near the front of the garden, Cosmos atrosanguineus contrasts with Oenothera lindheimeri ‘Sparkle White’, offset by copper beech hedging.

A bronze ‘Apple’ sculpture references Eden, while the gentle hum of wildlife and calming presence of water creates a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. The garden is a testament to the harmony that can exist between humans and nature, even in small urban environments.

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