The Journey of Life
A conceptually themed show garden incorporating ideas from the Buddhist philosophy, reflecting the path of life, with a balanced emphasis on past, present and future
Show Gardens
Did you know...
- The standout specimen plant in this interesting garden is a wonderful gnarled old olive tree, set within a rough rocky outcrop, underplanted with grasses, thymes, low conifers and Euphorbia myrsinites
- Positioned effectively on an island in the middle of the garden is a contemporary high gloss circular seating area, surrounded by shallow water. The water reflects in the glossy finish of the plastic seating
- Towards the back of the garden are vertical planting towers representing the buddhist concept of the pillars of desire and filled with a mixture of lettuce and small Phalaenopsis orchids
About the Garden
This striking visual statement is a poetic garden full of colour and alluring features. The journey begins with the ancient olive tree, representing an old soul, growing out of surreal-looking artificial rocks.By the end the visitor reaches the ‘rainbow sun’ – a shimmering wall of sparkling acrylic. There are also refined Niwaki (giant bonsai), a high-tech atrium, compelling fibreglass furniture and three hydroponic salad towers, which together provide a wonderland of colour, technology and art forms.
Designer Edward Mairis seeks to answer the perennial question ‘what is the meaning of life?’ and hopes that every visitor will leave feeling positive about themselves. This poetic garden is designed to connect with the heart like a poem and to reflect each visitor’s own unique journey through life.
With thanks to Addagrip, Flowerpot Nurseries, London Stone, Gardentower, Geo Met Furniture and LBS Global
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