Key plants in the Killik & Co: ‘Money Doesn't Grow On Trees’ Garden

The planting is inspired by colour therapy, with the selection based upon soothing colours. The palette is soft, with tranquil tones of creamy whites and pale lemons with pops of magenta and purple. Scent is also used in the garden, to perfume the space and awaken the senses

Mentha piperata

© Lazaregagnidze

Chosen for scent
This is an invaluable and easy to grow herb that is said to have the strongest flavour. It can be used to make delicious mint sauces and teas, as well as flavour sweets, puddings and toothpaste. Initially upright, the stems become lax as they grow, and begin to root where they touch the ground, so in time large clumps will be formed. If you prefer to keep them under control, they are best planted in large pots or containers, where they will thrive if kept well watered.

Allium ursinum

Chosen for scent
Commonly known as wild garlic, the aromatic leaves of this fast-growing perennial can be eaten and used to flavour salads or sauces - or even as a substitute for pesto! Not only are the leaves edible, but the flowers are also pretty, and they will help attract beneficial insects. A British native, it is often found colonising deciduous woodland and hedgerows where it puts on an impressive display when in full bloom in mid-spring.

Linum sebiricum

© Annette Meyer

Chosen for colour
A stunning semi-evergreen perennial with a profusion of beautiful, pale blue saucer-shaped flowers each dotted with a golden eye held above narrow grey-green leaves. Heat tolerant and good for hot, dry locations, the seeds of flax are used in bread, baking & cereals. Great when planted in drifts for cottage and informal gardens, gravel and rock gardens, and wall side borders.

Papava rhoeas ‘Amazing Grey’

Chosen for colour
Remarkable, refined, and ruffled semi-double poppies in shimmering shades of slate, silver, misty mauve and blue, often with a pearly-white edge. This uniquely coloured, easy-to-grow, cottage garden favourite flowers profusely and while each bloom of ‘Amazing Grey’ is all too brief, the display will live long in the memory.

Digitalis grandiflora

Chosen for colour
Acting as a magnet to bees, the yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that appear on the upright flowerspikes from early summer, add vertical movement to the planting scheme. Ideally suited to the woodland edge, they also make wonderful additions to the herbaceous border.

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