Victoria Jane Cucknell

Meet the designer of Wild Child Cornwall Resilient Planting Pocket at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2024

Victoria Jane CucknellVictoria Jane Cucknell

Victoria Cucknell is fresh to garden design and is currently studying the HNC in Garden Design at Eden University Hub as part of Cornwall College and Plymouth University.  Victoria has worked as an artist and teacher of art and design in London and Cornwall, exhibiting regularly, locally and creating work to commission nationally and internationally.

See Wild Child Cornwall 

In 2020, Victoria re-designed and built her own garden in Perranporth and subsequently started helping a landscape business with design drawings for local gardens. This experience inspired her to change profession, integrating education with art and a passion for growing plants and protecting nature.   Victoria is proactive in addressing environmental issues and continues to work with a number of local projects  that look to protect the Cornish coastline and local green spaces – this is evident in this years Pocket planting entry, addressing a  community action to the climate emergency

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