Marina Lindl

Meet the designer of Our Forgotten Neighbours: Growing Resilience with Food Forests Resilient Planting Pocket at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2024

Marina LindlMarina Lindl

Marina’s design ethos is deeply influenced by the landscapes of her youth, favoring a naturalistic and wild approach that sees gardens not just as spaces of beauty, but as ecosystems that thrive in harmony with their surroundings. Her commitment to this philosophy is furthered by her current academic pursuits—a postgraduate diploma in garden design and studying for the RHS Level Theory 2 exam.

See Our Forgotten Neighbours: Growing Resilience with Food Forests

Marina says: “My recent pivot to a career in horticulture was driven by a yearning for creativity, and a deep desire to reconnect with nature, having felt confined and uninspired in an office setting for the last decade. Growing up in the Bavarian countryside, my childhood was intertwined with the rhythms of gardening, thanks to my parents. Their passion for nurturing flowers, and the ethos of growing our own food were instilled in me from a young age, a precious legacy that has flourished into my own love for gardening. This ultimately pushed my career move as well. I prefer a naturalistic and wilder garden style, believing that a design should harmoniously complement its surroundings.”

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