
Affordable Gardens

Feature Garden

Recent times have taught us the value of our outdoor space and how being able to connect with it vastly improves our lives. These gardens seek to demonstrate that a designed garden is within everyone’s reach with a little ingenuity, a spot of recycling or repurposing and a lot of fun in its creation.

The gardens are designed by RHS Malvern Spring Festival Lead Jess Russell-Perry.

The premise is that the showgoer will take on the work themselves – either up-skilling with a course from an academy such as TASK or asking a friend, neighbour or family member with the required skills to help them. The gardens feature primarily soft landscaping, purely because hard landscaping is expensive and not as planet-friendly. The planting is designed to attract pollinators and wildlife with sustainable construction alternatives included wherever possible.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.