Plant health in gardens

We practise what we preach and are committed to six principles which guide plant health practice in all we do

How we make a difference

  • Monitoring plant pests and diseases in gardens
  • Improving detection and identification of plant health issues
  • Advancing control and management strategies to protect plant health in gardens, while decreasing pesticide use 
  • Encouraging good stewardship of nature in gardens for environmental benefit

Healthy gardens

Keeping our gardens healthy has always been high on gardeners’ agendas. With climate change and the increasing appearance of novel diseases and pests from abroad, planning for healthy gardens has become even more urgent.

The arrival of new pests and diseases in the UK is linked to the rise in the volume and diversity of plants being imported. Changes in climate may also enable more pests and diseases to become established in our gardens.

Protect your garden

Wildlife-friendly gardening

A healthy garden supports a wide range of wildlife and it isn't difficult to encourage more wildlife without compromising the way your garden looks. Private gardens in Britain cover about 270,000 ha (667,000 acres) so their potential as havens for wildlife is considerable. 

Attract garden wildlife

Plant pests

Our experts undertake research and provide advice on the management of garden pests and ways to support garden wildlife.

Current Research

Plant diseases

Plant pathology is the study of diseases and disorders of plants, caused for example by fungi, bacteria and viruses. 

Our plant pathologists diagnose the cause of garden plant diseases and study their biology to provide advice to gardeners on how to control them.

Current Research

Key research projects


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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.