© RHS / Tim Sandall


Aquatic Veronica

Common name: Brooklime

The aquatic, native wildflower Veronica beccabunga is an evergreen perennial for growing at the margins of a pond and for hiding or softening a pond edge. A vigorous and robust plant, it is best planted with its roots confined in a container.


Fleshy stems have rounded, thickened, bright green leaves that are usually evergreen and sometimes serrated at the edges. Loose clusters of white-centred blue flowers appear all summer long.


This plant likes permanently wet soil or shallow water at the edges of a pond in a sunny position.


Aquatic Veronica cannot grow in dry soil and won't flower in shade.

Did you know?

In an artificial pool or wildlfe pond, this RHS Plants for Pollinators native wildflower plant can be grown in a pot filled with ordinary garden soil or aquatic compost, positioned so the pot rim is just covered with water. 

Growing guide

Useful Advice

Aquatic plants: planting

Aquatic plants: planting

Bog gardens

Bog gardens

Bog gardens: plants for

Bog gardens: plants for

Choosing pond plants

Choosing pond plants

Making a new pond

Making a new pond

Rain-fed wildlife-friendly pond step-by-step

Rain-fed wildlife-friendly pond step-by-step

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