There’s so much more to orchids than the showy specimens in supermarkets. See them in a new light with these 10 fascinating orchid facts
Treasured for their elegant and exotic flowers, orchids have long symbolised wealth and mystery; combining strange beauty, surreal colours, dizzy perfumes and bizarre biology in one vastly varied group of plants. Orchid obsession reached heady heights in the 1800s, when collectors from across Britain and Europe raided the rainforest to bring back thousands of exotic specimens – rare beauties from faraway lands. Meanwhile, the UK boasts over 50 native orchid species of its own; many equally stunning as the exotics, yet hard to envisage as the cousins of the Phalaenopsis lined up on supermarket shelves. The days of ‘orchidelirium’ may be over, but orchids have only become more fascinating as we discover more about their unique biology. In celebration of the opening of the brand new Orchid House at RHS Garden Wisley, along with the release of the first ever The Orchid Review yearbook, we’ve opened a window into their mysterious world through these 10 fascinating orchid facts.
Most orchids have a lower petal that is larger or more complex than the others. This is called the lip, and is specialised for attracting pollinators; acting as a landing stage once they reach the flowers. However, when the flower is in bud, the lip is on the upper side of the flower. As the flower opens, the flower stalk rotates through 180 degrees so that the lip is now on the lower side, giving a ‘twist to open’ effect. All orchids do this, except for a handful that have lost this trait during evolution.
Vanilla is made from the seedpods of the vanilla orchid, Vanilla planifolia. This is the only orchid that is grown as a commercial crop. Around half of the world’s vanilla crop is grown in Madagascar.
The Orchid Review yearbook is now available to pre-order from Summerfield Books. Click here to find out more
The Glasshouse at RHS Wisley
Top tips for growing orchids at home
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